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A bit more snow for Christmas

Posted by Richard on December 25, 2006

If you watched the Broncos squeak past the Bengals by the skin of their teeth (24-23, thanks to a bad snap on the potentially tying PAT), you saw the big fat flakes coming down, at times heavily. Yes, we got a little fresh snow today.

It looked more intense on TV than it really was — at least here at my house, where it amounted to less than half an inch.

Nonetheless, it cheered me to see it. For one thing, it just looked pretty and White-Christmasy. For another, it "freshened up" all the snow left from the blizzard, which had begun to take on that dingy, dirty "used snow" look. Now it’s all clean and spruced up for Christmas.

Speaking of which, I hope you all have a very merry one. If you’re not a Christian, do what I do and celebrate anyway! Any holiday on which people exchange gifts, eat, drink, and make merry deserves to be celebrated, don’t you think?

Images courtesy of CatStuff — all the cat graphics you need.

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