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Posts Tagged ‘humor’


Posted by Richard on September 19, 2019

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! Please enjoy the day responsibly. You could run afoul of federal laws.


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“Ain’t No Rest for the Triggered”

Posted by Richard on July 5, 2018

I like Cage the Elephant’s “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked,” but I think I like Chris Ray Gun’s version even better. The vocal even sounds a lot like Matt Shultz, and the lyrics are brilliant.

[YouTube link]

Hit the above YouTube link to upvote this and to learn more about Chris Ray Gun, grab the lyrics (expand the description), or watch other Social Justice: The Musical videos.

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Aarr! It’s TLAPD!

Posted by Richard on September 19, 2017

Shiver me timbers! Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I’m going to head over to Aarrby’s. And then go get some rum!

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I like this greeting card message

Posted by Richard on August 23, 2017

American Greetings apparently has a new division called “Tender Thoughts.” Actually, I don’t know how new it is, since I don’t keep up with the industry. And the one I received for my recent birthday doesn’t strike me as a terribly tender thought. But I really like it:

On your birthday, may the happiness and good times flow like boxed wine into a redneck’s coffee cup.

Man, that’s just beautiful. And funny.

But let it be known that I don’t drink my boxed wine in a coffee cup. BTW, Bota Box Old Vine Zinfandel is a great wine!

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Hillary’s memoir needs a name

Posted by Richard on June 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton hasn’t decided on a name for her memoir yet. Lots of helpful suggestions have been posted on Twitter, and Twitchy has collected some of them.

My favorite:

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Password humor

Posted by Richard on March 11, 2017

From this /. thread (much of which is worth reading), with a couple of errors in the original corrected:

WINDOWS: Please enter your new password.
USER: cabbage
WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.
USER: boiledcabbage
WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.
USER: 1 boiledcabbage
WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.
USER: 50fuckingboiledcabbages
WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.
USER: 50FUCKINGboiledcabbages
WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.
USER: 50FuckingBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon’tGiveMeAccessNow!
WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.
USER: ReallyPissedOff50FuckingBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMeAccessNow
WINDOWS: Sorry, that password is already used.

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Posted by Richard on September 19, 2016

Shiver me timbers! I almost forgot that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. And there’s not a drop of rum in the house!

Q: What comic strip do pirates like best?

A: Gary Larrrson’s The Farrr Side

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Popehat explains why it’s (almost) never RICO

Posted by Richard on June 19, 2016

If you’re like me, you probably don’t know much about the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute. You probably don’t think you need to, and you’re right (unless you’re one of those people who wants to use RICO for this, that, or the other thing that upsets you). And you undoubtedly think reading about RICO would be tedious, dull, and boring for anyone who isn’t a lawyer, and maybe even for them. Well, there you’d be wrong.

What if I told you that you could learn all about RICO and its uses and misuses while being thoroughly entertained and amused?

Don’t believe me? Check out Ken White’s marvelous Lawsplainer: IT’S NOT RICO, DAMMIT. I’ll accept your apology for doubting me when you’re done.

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“I Think My Dog’s a Democrat”

Posted by Richard on March 28, 2016

Acting like he’s entitled is what gave him away.

[YouTube link]

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Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Posted by Richard on September 19, 2015

September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. What are you going to do to celebrate? If you click that link, you can sing along with “Drunken Sailor.” Granted, it’s more fun after several helpings of grog, and the sun is barely over the yardarm. But since it’s Saturday (which, as the site points out, makes this Talk Like A Pirate Weekend) …

Q: Who is the most popular cartoonist among pirates?
A: Gary Laarrrson (The Faarrr Side)

Q: What board game do pirates like to play?
A: Paarrrcheesi

Drink up, folks, I’ll be here all night. <tap><tap><tap> Is this thing on?

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Awesome political commentary

Posted by Richard on January 10, 2015

Today’s Mallard Fillmore comic strip caricatures the Republican leadership almost perfectly. But check it out at Billlls Idle Mind; he points out the one small flaw. *snicker*

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Avast! Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Posted by Richard on September 19, 2014

Ahoy, me hearties! I hope ye be enjoying International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Starrrt yer celebration by hitting that link and singing along with “Drunken Sailor.” And make sure ye have some grog later today.

Q: When they want to get away from the sea, where do pirates like to go?

A: Arrrkansas.

Q: What kind of sweaters do pirates prefer?

A: Carrrdigans.

Q: What rock musicians would pirates most like to meet?

A: The Wilson wenches from Hearrrt.

OK, I’ll stop now.

Arrr! International Talk Like a Pirate Day September 19


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Hillary’s FB friends help her list accomplishments

Posted by Richard on April 24, 2014

Lots of people have been having a good laugh about the fact that neither Hillary Clinton nor a State Department spokesperson could come up with an answer when asked to name her accomplishments. But Herman Cain has come up with by far the funniest take on the issue. It’s a must-read, must-laugh, and might just bring tears to your eyes.

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SNL lampoons Obama and Obamacare push

Posted by Richard on March 29, 2014

Saturday Night Live’s opening monologue lampooned Obama and the desperate attempts to sell Obamacare in the way that they used to lampoon Bush. It’s not uproariously funny, but it’s well worth watching. I’d embed it here, but instead I’m going to direct you to SNL Cold Open: How Far Will Obama Go To Sell Obamacare? Bieber Tongue Bath Far? Or Just Pope Pimpin’? by Caleb Howe. You can watch it there.

The alternative is to quote Howe’s comments in their entirety, because they’re really much more entertaining than the skit. Especially if you’re a “Once Upon a Time” fan.

Be sure to scroll on down and read Caleb Howe’s short biography. It’s pretty funny too.

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Airport screening results

Posted by Richard on March 29, 2014

Like she said, hysterical.

UPDATE: To be fair, I should note that this overstates the number of members of Congress without balls by at least 33 — the 29 representatives and 4 senators who are members of the Liberty Caucus.

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