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Posts Tagged ‘weather’


Posted by Richard on February 7, 2019

The quote of the day comes from the Denver Post’s daily Mile High Roundup email, which would be a useful quick news summary with links if it weren’t so tiresomely leftist. This line by Matt Schubert is the best I’ve seen from that rag in some time:

You know things are bad when the temperature outside matches the number of pants you’re currently wearing.

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Polar vortex fun

Posted by Richard on January 31, 2019

CBS4 meteorologist Lauren Whitney (@LaurenCBS4) shared a cool photo from a viewer on Twitter today. It shows how much fun you can have blowing soap bubbles in Wisconsin when it’s -23°.


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How not to be bored by the weather

Posted by Richard on November 27, 2017

Live in Denver.

Yesterday, it was 74°, a record for the date. Today, it was 81°, a record for the entire month of November.

Tomorrow morning, it’s supposed to be a good 50° colder and snowing.

Time to put the shorts away again.

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“If you don’t like the weather in Colorado…”

Posted by Richard on June 23, 2017

“…just wait a few minutes.” That’s the standard cliché. But sometimes you have to wait a few days.

Tuesday: 99° (a new record for the date)

Wednesday: 98° (1° shy of the record)

Thursday: 93°, reached a little before 10 AM. Then the cold front came through and dropped us about 20°.

Friday: it’s in the 40s and raining this morning. Per NOAA and AccuWeather, we’re not going to get out of the 60s today, and the weekend will be in the mid-70s. But back to the mid/upper 90s by Tuesday.

The weather in Denver rarely gets boring, and it tends to keep you on your toes wardrobe-wise.

UPDATE: It’s 1:30 PM, and we’ve barely made it into the 50s. Unless the heavy overcast lifts pretty quickly, we may not make it to 60°.

UPDATE 2: It turns out that it was 61° at 3:40 AM on Friday, before the second cold front rolled through, and around 6 PM the sun broke through just long enough to get us back up to 61°.

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Polar vortex update

Posted by Richard on December 17, 2016

As of 11:23 AM, the temperature in Denver has risen to 0°, with a wind chill of only -11°. There’s a good 6-7″ of fresh snow in my yard.

The “climate experts” assure me that this is due to anthropogenic global warming. So I’m going to do my part and not drive anywhere for the rest of the weekend.

UPDATE, 10:30 PM: We topped out at 3° this afternoon, a new record low high. Earlier this evening, it dropped to -15°, a new record low. But recently the wind shifted from the north to the south, so it’s “warmed up” to -3°. So I guess the worst is over.

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Posted by Richard on January 23, 2016

I understand that Washington, D.C., is completely shut down. I bet Obama is blaming the Republicans. And Mitch McConnell is calling on members of his party to compromise.

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1965 Denver flood

Posted by Richard on June 17, 2015

Fifty years ago last night, the Plum Creek drainage south of Denver received 14 inches of rain in just 3 hours. That sent a massive amount of water into the South Platte River and right into the heart of Denver. Depending on who’s telling the story and where they were when they witnessed it, the wall of water was somewhere between 20 and 40 feet high. 9News has a pretty good piece on the flood, with videos, if you can read through it without accidentally clicking away (don’t click anywhere to the left or right of the story column).

That flood led to the building of Chatfield Dam southwest of Denver just a few years later. It (along with dams on Cherry Creek and Bear Creek) has prevented a repeat occurrence. Chatfield State Park is a major recreation area. But there’s not much recreating this year because a large portion of the park is covered in water. It’s designed to work that way; by using the surrounding park area for additional water storage, Chatfield Reservoir can cope with copious amounts of rainfall and snowmelt.

This year, it’s had to, and is at the highest level since it was built. Not only is an unusually large snowpack melting very fast, but in the six weeks since May 1, Denver has only had (depending on who’s counting and where they measure) 4-7 days without rain. This has so far been one of the wettest years on record in Denver. And the foothills west of Denver and Palmer Divide to the south have gotten much more rain than Denver.

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Denver’s February snow record is more of a record than it seems

Posted by Richard on February 28, 2015

Officially, Denver set a new record for February snowfall, but just barely. Through Friday, the official total snowfall was 22.4 inches, just edging out the previous record of 22.1 set in 1912. But wait…

Since 2008, the National Weather Service’s official recording site has been Denver International Airport, about 20 miles east of downtown. In 1912, the official site was in downtown Denver. Being so far out on the eastern plains, DIA typically gets less snow than areas farther to the west. That’s because it sees less of the upslope effect that brings heavy snowfall when winds from the east or northeast hit the mountains west of Denver and the Palmer Divide to the south.

According to KMGH-7 meteorologist Matt Makens, the old record for downtown Denver was unofficially broken a couple of days earlier (and subsequent snow no doubt pushed the total there several inches higher). The unofficial City Park recording station, just a couple or three miles from downtown, recorded over 30 inches in February.

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White Christmas in Denver

Posted by Richard on December 25, 2014

It was in the mid-40s at 9 this morning. Then the cold front moved in. We’re in the mid-20s now, and headed near 0° by morning. The snow began around mid-afternoon and is expected to continue until tomorrow afternoon or evening. It’s very lovely and Christmas-y, but I’m glad I don’t have to go anywhere; the roads are a mess.

Historically, Denver has snow on Christmas 14% of the time — a one-in-seven chance. Our last white Christmas was 2007, so this year’s Christmas snowfall is right on schedule. 🙂

Merry Christmas!

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Celebrate! It’s above zero!

Posted by Richard on November 12, 2014

It’s 12:45 PM in Denver, and we’re no longer below zero! Woohoo?


I don’t think we’re going to make it to that forecast high of 9°.

Hey, Jimmy Buffet, here’s a new verse for that song of yours. You’re welcome.

Boat drinks. I think the cold makes your brain shrink
I don’t really care what Al Gore thinks
Somebody make it get warm!

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Bring back the global warming!

Posted by Richard on November 11, 2014

Today was the coldest November 11th on record in Denver, with a high temperature of 16°. That eclipses the previous record of 19° set on this date in 1916. And the worst of the cold is yet to come!

At 10:30 tonight, it’s 6° (wind chill of -7°). Tomorrow’s high may be only two or three degrees warmer than that.

I’m not leaving the house, except maybe to go to the liquor store. The only adult beverages I have on hand are beer. This isn’t beer-drinking weather. It’s hot toddy or hot buttered rum weather.

Or maybe I should get out of town. Head to St. Somewhere…

[YouTube link]

Boat drinks. Boys in the band ordered boat drinks.
Visitors just scored on the home rink.
Everything seems to be wrong.

Lately, newspaper mentioned cheap airfare.
I’ve got to fly to Saint Somewhere.
I’m close to bodily harm.

I know I should be leaving this climate.
I got a verse but can’t rhyme it.
I gotta go where it’s warm.

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Polar vortex update

Posted by Richard on November 10, 2014

11 AM: Mid-fifties, calm. About 15° cooler than the weekend, but a sweater or light jacket is plenty.

11:30 AM: Sudden strong northerly wind, temperature starts to drop sharply.

12:30 PM: 30°, windy, spitting snow. Bone-chilling.

2:15 PM: 23°, wind chill is 12°, steady light-to-moderate snowfall.

It’s expected to get no warmer than this for several days, with lows in single digits. I guess it’s safe to say Denver’s mild fall is over. I’m going to miss it.

UPDATE (9 PM): 14°, with a wind chill of 3°, and it’s still dropping. About 12 hours ago, it was 62° (CORRECTION: officially 64° at 9 AM).

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Life on the edge of a polar vortex

Posted by Richard on February 24, 2014

4:00 PM: 63° and sunny.

6:15 PM: 24°, windy, and heavily overcast.

About half of that temperature drop came in 20 minutes. Yep, the cold front is here.

Fortunately, the worst of the bitter cold will stay over the eastern half of the country, where all those blue-staters are so concerned about global warming.

Unfortunately, the Colorado state government is controlled by Dems concerned about global warming. The legislature just enacted strict new rules against methane emissions. Guess I’ll have to give up burritos.

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Think warm thoughts

Posted by Richard on February 15, 2014

I lived in Knoxville, TN, from 1961-64 and 1967-82. That was a long time ago, and maybe my memory is failing me, but I don’t recall during all those years ever seeing a 6-inch snowfall. Or hearing of 7 inches in Chattanooga. I’m guessing my friends in East Tennessee — heck, folks throughout the eastern half of the country — are about ready for a good dose of global warming. 🙂

Here’s a little ditty that will help you all get through the next arctic blast:

[YouTube link]

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The weather is never boring in Colorado

Posted by Richard on April 2, 2012

If you like variety, you’ve gotta love Colorado weather. After the wettest and second-snowiest February on record, March was the driest and second-warmest on record. This past weekend, Denver had clear blue skies and temps in the mid to upper 80s.

Thirty-odd hours later, it’s cold and windy — and starting to snow. 7News is forecasting that Denver will get 4″ tonight and tomorrow, while areas south and west of town will get 9-12″ or more. Seventeen Colorado counties are under winter weather advisories, watches, or warnings.

I guess I got my shorts and Hawaiian shirts out too soon.

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