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Posts Tagged ‘democrats’

Must-avoid TV

Posted by Richard on September 4, 2019

My deepest sympathies to anyone having to spend time at an airport tonight. CNN’s climate crisis town hall is on the air. This won’t matter to most folks not at an airport, since very few people who have a choice of channels ever tune into CNN anymore.

I predict that CNN’s viewership will be even lower than usual for the next six or seven hours. Yes, that’s how long this ten-candidate tirade against capitalism, modernity, and progress will go on. Even hard-core environmentalists and socialists (but I repeat myself) are going to have a hard time staying conscious throughout.

Reason’s Elizabeth Nolan Brown (emphases in original):

What’s a worse TV programming idea than six straight hours of Democratic campaigners talking climate change? Honestly, I’m not sure. But this is the fresh hell that CNN has planned for America this Wednesday night. And while, sure, you can choose not to tune in to this particular political pageantry, there’s no avoiding its fallout, as Democratic 2020 candidates compete to outdo each other with grand regulatory plans.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D–Mass.) wants a plan similar to the “Green New Deal” proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.) and company. It would entail an initial $3 trillion investment over 10 years. That’s the same price tag we see for Sen. Cory Booker’s (D–N.J.) plan, which includes $50 billion for an Environmental Justice Fund and a promise to plant 100 million trees.

Julián Castro’s plan would cost $10 trillion and includes a plank to dismantle “environmental racism,” which is:

a type of discrimination where communities of color and low-income communities are forced to live in close proximity to environmentally hazardous or degraded environments, such as hazardous waste sites or pollution. To that end, Castro said he’d propose new civil rights bills like requiring all federal actions be reviewed for environmental and health impacts on low-income and marginalized communities.

Joe Biden’s plan is cheap in comparison, at a projected $1.6 trillion.

Biden, Booker, Castro, and Warren will all appear as part of the CNN climate extravaganza starting tonight at 5 p.m. EDT, along with Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Kamala Harris (D–Calif.), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D–Minn.), Beto O’Rourke, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I–Vt.), and Andrew Yang.

“Most candidates have the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, although some aim to accelerate by a few years to 2040 or 2045,” notes CBS News. “Many candidates also hope to cut emissions by half by 2030 and get to net-zero emissions for electricity by that year,” and all have vowed to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords.

Actually, it might be a good thing if more Americans were aware that the Democrats intend to spend mind-boggling sums to reduce our CO2 emissions, crippling the economy and wrecking their household budgets, while India, China, and others are building over a thousand new coal-fired power plants.

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Is Beto the John Edwards of 2020?

Posted by Richard on March 14, 2019



Say what you will about John Edwards, but at least he didn’t campaign on coffee shop counters.

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Sen. Hirono: “We Democrats know so much”

Posted by Richard on December 6, 2018

Can’t. Stop. Laughing.

Sen. Mazie Hirono suggested Tuesday that Democrats have a hard time connecting with voters because their breadth of knowledge tends to turn people off.

The Hawaii Democrat made the comment during a discussion at the “Bend Towards Justice” conference in Washington when she was asked by Slate editor Dahlia Lithwick how to make the judicial system a top campaign issue for voters.

“One of the things that we Democrats have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts instead of here,” Ms. Hirono responded, pointing at her head, according to a clip flagged by the Republic National Committee. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here [points to the brain] but not here [points to the heart].”

R-i-ight. Because calling everyone who disagrees with you a racist or fascist is such a cerebral way to resolve policy disagreements. Because shouting “you’re starving children” and “you’re killing old people” is such a cerebral way to resolve budget battles involving less than 1/2% of federal spending. Because fleeing to safe spaces with coloring books, rainbows, and unicorns is such a cerebral way for college students and faculty to cope with the threat of hearing ideas that challenge them. Because trotting out “victims” with tear-jerking tales of woe is such a cerebral way of debating the merits of proposed legislation.

“We have to kind of tell everyone how smart we are, and so we have a tendency to be very left-brain,” the senator added.

Add Ms. Hirono: “We Democrats know so much” it can alienate voters.

I turn to the wisdom of Ronaldus Magnus:

It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.

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Another “do as I say, not as I do” Democrat

Posted by Richard on August 13, 2018

Episode #13,496 of Not The Onion:

She ran on responsible gun regulation, now she’s accused of killing her campaign treasurer

ATLANTA – A former Georgia Congressional candidate has been charged with murder after her former campaign treasurer was found dead inside her apartment.

Kellie Collins, of Thomason, turned herself into the McDuffie County Sheriff’s Office just as authorities in Aiken County, South Carolina found the body of Curtis Cain, Collins’ former campaign treasurer.

Investigators said Cain did not show up for work on Tuesday, so deputies went to his home to check on him. That’s when they found him dead from an apparent gunshot wound.

In 2017, Collins ran as a Democrat against incumbent Rep. Jody Hice, a Republican, for Georgia’s 10th District. She ultimately dropped out of the race, citing personal reasons.

During the race, she touted her support for responsible gun regulation to protect the community.

The typical gun banner wants to disarm you and me because we lack impulse control and might in a moment of rage shoot someone. That’s called projection.

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Prediction: Kavanaugh will get bipartisan support

Posted by Richard on July 10, 2018

National Review’s Jim Geraghty has a roundup of conservative praise for Trump’s SCOTUS pick, Brett Kavanaugh. But the really interesting news, and the basis for my prediction, comes at the end:

The Susan B. Anthony List commissioned a poll of registered voters in Florida, Indiana, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia, and asked voters, “As you may know, Justice Kennedy recently retired from the Supreme Court. The President will appoint a replacement and the U.S. Senate will vote on that person. Do you think Senator [Nelson, Donnelly, McCaskill, Heitkamp, or Manchin: depending on the state] should vote to confirm President Trump’s appointment to the Supreme Court?” (Note this poll is conducted before Kavanaugh was named.)

In Florida and Indiana, 56 percent of registered voters answered Yes. In Missouri, 57 percent of respondents said Yes, in West Virginia it was 59 percent, and in North Dakota it was all the way up to 68 percent.

It’s a near certainty that some of those senators, facing tough re-election battles, will decide that keeping their job trumps (if you’ll forgive the expression) loyalty to the party leadership. All five races are currently considered toss-ups. Donnelly, Heitkamp, and Manchin voted to confirm Gorsuch, arguably even more of an originalist/textualist on the Constitution than Kavanaugh.

Another five Senate Democrats are running for re-election in states that Trump carried in 2016 (Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Montana, and Pennsylvania). But those senators (Stabenow, Baldwin, Brown, Tester, and Casey, respectively) are currently favored to retain their seats, and thus are less likely to break ranks for reasons of self-preservation.

I’m guessing that Kavanaugh will get three or four Democratic votes, more than enough to offset the possibility of one or two GOP defectors (Collins and a RINO to be named later).

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Kanye give West a Chance to be free?

Posted by Richard on April 27, 2018

I’m told that there’s no truth to the rumor that Steny Hoyer is going to introduce a bill called the “Fugitive Negro Act” to ensure that runaways like Kanye West and Chance the Rapper are returned to the Democratic Plantation and “re-educated.”

The Democratic leadership apparently considered and rejected the idea after realizing that the Party of Lincoln would never allow it to pass.

Wasn’t it Kanye who rapped “Free at last, free at last. Up yours, mo-fos, I’m free at last!”?

The editors at The Weekly Standard had some interesting thoughts about this matter. But to find that, you have to go through six pages of Google search results (search string: kanye west trump) without a single link to a non-left-of-center site.

I guess sites like Red State, Fox News, The Daily CallerReasonNational ReviewTownhall, The Washington TimesWashington ExaminerThe Blaze, Power Line, et al, just didn’t have anything to say about Kanye’s apostasy that the entirely objective Google algorithms deemed worthy of sharing with Google’s product… I mean users.

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How to get liberals to like the GOP tax plan

Posted by Richard on December 23, 2017

It’s easy! Just don’t let them know it’s the GOP’s plan.

[YouTube link]

[YouTube link]

There’s nothing new about this phenomenon. Back before the election, Jimmy Kimmel did a couple of similar “man/woman in the street” interviews attributing Trump’s tax proposals and some Trump quotes to Hillary. Predictably, Hillary supporters loved them.

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Jill Stein’s great public service

Posted by Richard on December 15, 2016

Americans interested in fair and honest elections, and especially voters in Michigan, owe Green Party candidate Jill Stein thanks. Per Americans for Limited Government’s NetRightDaily:

Jill Stein and her puppet master Hillary Clinton’s effort to stop the certification of enough Trump delegates to disrupt the Electoral College has run aground in the most delightful way.

In Michigan, where Trump has been certified the winner in spite of Stein’s efforts, Wayne County (Detroit), where Clinton overwhelmingly won, has come under fire explicitly due to the recount.  Turns out in 37 percent of the Detroit precincts more votes were cast than the number of people who showed up to the polls to vote. No one would have noticed if not for the personal enrichment recall scheme of the former Green Party presidential candidate.

The Detroit News quotes Krista Haroutunian, the chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers as saying, “There’s always going to be small problems to some degree, but we didn’t expect the degree of problem we saw in Detroit. This isn’t normal.”

Now Wayne County officials will be subjected to an audit by the Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, the exact kind of electoral proctology exam that every local official fears.

To make matters worse for Democrats in the state, Stein’s broad claims of voter fraud convinced the GOP majority in the state legislature to respond by passing voter identification legislation.  The exact type of legislation that the left has vehemently opposed.  Talk about open mouth, insert foot.

It’s a shame that Stein didn’t demand a recount in Illinois. It might have been quite interesting to see what such an effort revealed in Chicago. Although I suspect the crooked pols in Chicago are better at covering their tracks than those in Detroit.

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“I Think My Dog’s a Democrat”

Posted by Richard on March 28, 2016

Acting like he’s entitled is what gave him away.

[YouTube link]

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Socialist, Democrat – “What difference does it make now, anyway?”

Posted by Richard on January 8, 2016


Video: Matthews discovers that Hillary can’t tell the difference between Democrats and socialists, either

By this time, Chris Matthews must be panicked. When he asked DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to explain the difference between Democrats and socialists, the MSNBC host expressed considerable angst that the party’s leading officer couldn’t do so. “I used to think there was a big difference,” Matthews lamented at the time.

Fast forward five months. Matthews posed the question to the party’s leading candidate for its presidential nomination, and … Hillary Clinton couldn’t explain it either. Who else can Matthews ask? Joe Manchin, please pick up the red courtesy phone:



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Power corrupts, and so does entitlement mentality

Posted by Richard on March 28, 2014

In case you haven’t seen details about Leland Yee’s arrest in the news, you can catch up with Anti-gun CA state senator charged with firearms trafficking, corruption (posted yesterday). MSM coverage seems to be scant. Despite the fact that we’ve been bombarding @CNN with tweets about their lack any mention, as of this writing a search at CNN for “Leland Yee arrested” returns the message “Your search leland yee arrested did not match any documents.”

Yee is the third liberal Democrat state legislator arrested on corruption charges in California in the past year. In an excellent column, Eric Golub attributes this to two reasons. The first has to do with power:

While corruption knows no ideology, it is more than a coincidence that liberal Democrats in very progressive areas are the ones who keep getting accused of breaking the law. In California, Democrats control everything. The Democratic Party’s veto-proof majority gives them absolute power.

Lord Acton’s maxim about absolute power corrupting absolutely has rung true again.

Los Angeles and San Francisco are liberal cities, with San Francisco being a haven for hard-left policies. When no one is able or willing to challenge the dominant ideology, corruption is bound to set in as it does in third world dictatorships.

States where Republicans control everything tend to see fewer Democrats getting into trouble.

The second reason has to do with entitlement:

… the Democratic Party has become the party of entitlement; California epitomizes that entitlement mentality. When people believe they are entitled to things, greed sets in.

California is where liberal Democrat Sandra Fluke is running for a Los Angeles Senate seat so she and her fellow feminists can receive the free birth control they are entitled to. California is where liberal Democrat San Diego Mayor Bob Filner was forced out after a lifetime of sexually abusing women — the epitome of a man with an entitlement mentality.

While Fluke has not broken any laws, her behavior is similar to Filner’s. Other people have stuff they want, so they think it is just acceptable to take it.

When people believe that their right to have stuff trumps the law, laws will be broken. Wright, Calderon and Yee were just behaving the way many other people representing their ideology continue to behave.


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Skewering the Democrats’ messaging

Posted by Richard on March 24, 2014

This awesome picture needs to be disseminated as far and wide as possible. Democrat’s hypocrisy exposed:


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Game, set, match: Hinderaker destroys WaPo, 6-0, 6-0

Posted by Richard on March 22, 2014

On Thursday, the Washington Post published a hit piece by Steven Mufson and Juliet Eilperin on the Koch brothers and the Keystone XL pipeline that’s full of flat-out lies. Power Line’s John Hinderaker called them on it, utterly shredding their article. They responded (after a fashion). Hinderaker destroyed their response and exposed the incestuous, corrupt cronyism between the left, the mainstream media, and the Obama administration to devastating effect.

After exposing the fatuousness of Mufson and Eilperin’s defense of their article (with a little help from Jonah Goldberg) and outlining why the WaPo would publish such a smear (hint: it has an agenda), Hinderaker described how an accurate article could be written about a billionaire who stands to benefit by killing the Keystone XL pipeline. But Mufson, Eilperin, and the WaPo wouldn’t be interested in such an article because the billionaire in question is Tom Steyer.

Tom Steyer is one of the Democratic Party’s biggest contributors, and has pledged this year to contribute $100 million to its candidates. Hinderaker connected the dots between Eilperin, her husband Andrew Light, his boss at the Center for American Progress, John Podesta, Center for American Progress board member Tom Steyer, and the Obama administration, which both Light and Podesta also work for. Fascinating, in an icky, sleazy sort of way. By the end, you’ll understand Hinderaker’s closing, the money quote of the piece:

… However bad you think the corruption and cronyism in Washington are, they are worse than you imagine. And if you think the Washington Post is part of a free and independent press, think again.

Instapundit posted some key bits, but you really should read Hinderaker’s second post in its entirety — it’s outstanding.

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Rep. Earnest Smith: no right to make fun of anyone

Posted by Richard on February 17, 2013

Did you know that the First Amendment to the Constitution doesn’t apply to satirical photoshopping of legislators? Neither did I. But Georgia state Rep. Earnest Smith thinks so (emphasis added):

A Georgia state lawmaker with an unconventional grasp of the First Amendment is backing a bill that would make lewd photoshopping a crime punishable by a $1,000 fine.

Rep. Earnest Smith pointed, as proof of the problem, to a picture of his head that was recently edited onto a pornstar’s body. That image was created by a blogger who used the image to mock Smith.

The Augusta-based legislator said he was not worried the bill would step on First Amendment rights.

“Everyone has a right to privacy,” he told “No one has a right to make fun of anyone. It’s not a First Amendment right.”

The lawmaker did not provide any specifics of the legislation when contacted by After being pressed to provide details, he said, “At this juncture, I am not at liberty to share anything with you. I don’t have to. If and when this bill passes we can revisit the issue and if I choose to give you details at that time I will, but until then I don’t have to tell you anything.”

Ah, the Pelosi argument: you can find out what’s in the bill after it passes.

Remember when Democrats defended the First Amendment against Republican attempts to limit it? Oh, OK … you’re not old enough to remember that. Well, take my word for it — the Democratic Party used to be the party of free speech. Really. I’m not making this up!

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Are Democrats really concerned with saving lives?

Posted by Richard on February 17, 2013

Friday night, Dem0crats rammed their gun control package through the Colorado House (preliminary approval; another vote is coming next week). They were aided by calls from V.P. Joe Biden to wavering freshman Democrats. The package includes HB13-1224, sponsored by Rep. Rhonda Fields, which bans high-capacity magazines. Fields argued that the only purpose of such magazines is “to kill people as fast as possible” and that they “have no place in our community.”

That bit of nonsense was easily topped by Arapahoe County Coroner Michael Dobersen, who said that “Even one bullet wound is devastating, but those from high-capacity magazines are especially bad.” Who knew that the wound channel created by a bullet varied based on what kind of magazine it was fired from? But hey, he’s the coroner so he must know what he’s talking about, right?

Before H.B. 1224 passed, however, Democrats learned that Magpul, the premier manufacturer of high-capacity magazines for AR-15s and other weapons (as well as many other parts and accessories), is a Colorado company and that it said it would leave the state if the bill passed, taking 600 jobs with it (some other Colorado manufacturers said they’d do likewise).

So House Democrats hurriedly cobbled together and passed an amendment exempting manufacturers from the high-capacity magazine ban as long as they sold those magazines for killing people as fast as possible in other states. Thus saving all those jobs while still affirming that those magazines “have no place in our community.”

I can only think of two possible explanations for this cynical move. Either (a) the Democrats know that banning high-capacity magazines won’t save any lives and have some other motive, or (b) they don’t care if people in other states die because of magazines manufactured in Colorado.

A free press worthy of the name would be asking each and every legislator who voted for that amendment which explanation justified their vote.

Magpul, meanwhile, is not assuaged by the amendment:

Richard Fitzpatrick, Founder, President, and CEO of Magpul Industries, said that regardless of any amendments that may be worked into the bill, he will no longer be able to continue to do business in Colorado if his core product is made illegal.

“Our company could not, in good conscience, continue to manufacture our products in a state where law-abiding citizens are prohibited from purchasing and owning them. ” Fitzpatrick said. “The passage of this bill will do nothing to enhance public safety, but will force us to immediately begin taking our business to another state.”

Magpul was started over a decade ago by Fitzpatrick, a former U.S. Marine. It has become one of Colorado’s fastest growing businesses, successfully marketing its products to American and allied military forces, police departments, sporting goods stores, and thousands of responsible private citizens. Fitzpatrick says that the rich western culture and strong values of individual freedom and responsibility, traditionally found in Colorado, were one of the reasons the company chose to remain in the state.

“It is heartbreaking to me, my employees, and their families, to think that we will be forced to leave,” Fitzpatrick said. “But if HB13-1224 passes, we will simply have no choice.”

Good for him. If you’re an AR owner, buy something from  Magpul.

If you’re an AK fan instead, Guns For Everyone is responding to this bill by giving away seven 30-round magazines.

I don’t own either an AR or an AK, but I’m thinking of buying one of each. And a bunch of magazines.

UPDATE: By the way, if you’re not knowledgeable about firearms and wondering about how much difference a large-capacity magazine ban might make (for those who would actually adhere to such a limit), check out this video (embed disabled, darn it) comparing how long it takes to hit 14 targets with and without a magazine change.

IMHO, that test actually overstates the difference (1.75 seconds). The gentleman who had to reload was shooting a .45 instead of a 9mm like the guy with the “high-capacity” magazine. The .45 has much more recoil and, all other things being equal, more muzzle-flip and a slower time to reacquire the sights. A fairer comparison would have had the same shooter with the same 9mm gun run the same course with a full magazine and with one containing only 10 rounds. I’m guessing the difference would be even less than 1.75 seconds, probably under a second.

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