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A good week for liberty

Posted by Richard on January 22, 2010

It's been a good week for Liberty, hasn't it? First Amendment rights restored, socialized medicine derailed, socialist Democrats repudiated in Massachusetts (of all places) and in trouble in California and all across the country — is that a boatload of good news, or what?

I've been in the throes of a bad cold all week, and somewhat down as a consequence, but I'm getting over it now — and feeling pretty damned good about how things have been going lately. πŸ™‚ Don't let up, Friends of Liberty, we've got them on the run!

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2 Responses to “A good week for liberty”

  1. David Aitken said

    You missed this:

  2. rgcombs said

    Ah, yes — I’d heard about the demise of Air America, but spaced it out. Thanks for the reminder.

    But you’ve got to admit it’s pretty small potatoes compared to those other events. Although I’m sure it was a big deal to Air America’s dozens of listeners. πŸ˜‰

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