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B-list blogger

Posted by Richard on November 21, 2006

Harvey at Bad Example apparently was cruising the hip, trendy, pop-culture blogs, catching up on the latest fashions, gadgets, and celebrity news, when he came across an interesting little widget that can either stroke or crush a blogger’s ego:

You may have heard the term "A-list blogger" before. It’s the tag granted to that uber-cool clique of "been-there-done-that-buy-my-T-shirt" bloggers whose names are ubiquitous and who sit around talking with their uppity friends about how wonderful they all are.

Not that I’m jealous or anything.

But if you’ve ever wanted to find out just how inadequately you stack up against the rest of the blogosphere, well, now you can:

The Blogebrity Widget (aka the Total Perspective Vortex)

Just plug in your URL and find out how devastatingly unimportant you truly are.

Well, I couldn’t resist a temptation like that, so I clicked on over to Kineda and plugged my URL into David Ng’s Technorati-powered widget. Turns out I’m not devastatingly unimportant after all — only mildly unimportant:

With 459 links in the last 180 days, Technorati places in the high authority group.

That makes you a B-List Blogger!

B-List Blogger

Thank you, David — but couldn’t you come up with a better graphic? It looked lame enough at Kineda, sitting on a black background and surrounded by colorful text. But here, on a white page, it looks like something from the box that Barbie’s Dream Blog came in.

Oh, well — Ng’s Technorati widget prompted me to drop by David Sifry’s blog, refresh my recollection of the Technorati authority rankings, and check out the state of the blogosphere. Interesting stuff.

Being a B-list blogger can make you feel either proud or humble, depending on where you focus. Technorati tracks about 57 million blogs, but only about 1.56 million of them have been linked to by at least 3 other blogs in the past 6 months. 1.1 million of those are in the Low Authority group, with 3-9 unique links. Another 416, 000 are in the Middle Authority group, with 10-99 links. The High Authority group is the 26,000 blogs with 100-499 links. Finally, there are 4,000 Very High Authority blogs with 500+ links.

So, I can feel a bit dejected to realize that there are about 7,000 blogs that matter more than mine. Some of them much, much more:

With 6040 links in the last 180 days, Technorati places in the very high authority group.

That makes you a A-List Blogger!

Or I can feel rather smugly self-satisfied that I’m in the top 0.01% of all blogs and the top 0.4% of the 1.56 million ranked blogs.

Or I can just shrug, accept both perspectives as mildly interesting, but not very important, have a wee dram of Scotch, and call it a night. Think I’ll go with that last one.

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One Response to “B-list blogger”

  1. Jan said

    Yeah! I’m proud of you. Your glass is way full. But darn, I was going to get you Barbie’s Dream Blog for Christmas.

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