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Best songs about pot

Posted by Richard on February 3, 2011

Brainz recently posted the "Ten Best Songs About Pot." I think those 20-somethings missed badly. Any list of best pot songs that doesn't include "Panama Red" by the New Riders of the Purple Sage is just not credible. Here, judge for yourself — compare this to the entries on their list:

[YouTube link]

That ought to be in the top 3, IMHO.

And, from the same band, there's "Henry" (check out the awesome pedal steel guitar by Buddy Cage):

 Here's another glaring omission from their list: John Prine's "Illegal Smile":

[YouTube link]

If that doesn't make you sing along, there's something wrong with you.

I could continue, with Arlo Guthrie, Neil Young, Commander Cody, etc. But I'll stop now and ask: What are your favorite pot songs? 

UPDATE: Jeez, I almost forgot the New Riders' "Lonesome L.A. Cowboy." I'm sure I'm not the only member of my generation who, more than once, belted this one out at the top of our lungs. Awesome pedal steel. Enjoy!

[YouTube video ]

And I should note that NRPS founder John "Marmaduke" Dawson passed away in 2009. Such a shame.

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9 Responses to “Best songs about pot”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Guess my favorite has to be Illegal Smile. Course I love just about anything Prine writes. You’re right about the Brainz folks. They not only missed the bulleye, they missed the whole target frame. I don’t know what THEY are smoking but it can’t be quality stuff. :=) And of all the things they COULD have left out. Leaving out “Don’t Step On The Grass Sam” is totally insulting to John Kay. :=(

  2. rgcombs said

    Well, it’s not my favorite Steppenwolf song, but it ”is” a pretty good pot song. And it’s on YouTube.

    My favorite Steppenwolf song? America/Monster, the coolest little US history lesson from one of the most libertarian albums ever. It’s on YouTube, too.

  3. David Bryant said

    I think we’re all showing our age. The guys at “Brainz” listed a lot of bands I’ve never listened to. So I’ll vote for a a song they’ve probably never heard of — ”One Toke Over the Line”, by Brewer and Shipley. And, since brevity is the soul of wit, I’ll also put in a plug for ”Acapulco Gold” on the first Cheech and Chong album. The tune’s not much, but the lyrics are a hoot.

  4. rgcombs said

    How could I have forgotten One Toke Over the Line? Good one, David!

    But I think I can go you one better, and I should have thought of it sooner. Remember Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen? [ ”Down to Seeds and Stems Again”] belongs on the list somewhere. And [ ”Lost in the Ozone Again”] is ethanol-focused, but what a great song!

    If you’ve got some time to kill, check out some of the other Commander Cody songs, like [ ”Hot Rod Lincoln”] (great guitar work!) and [ ”Smoke Smoke Smoke That Cigarette”]. They put on a great live show, too.

    Ah, the memories of a misspent youth.

  5. rgcombs said

    OK, I can’t drop this subject without posting a link to the Lawrence Welk Show version of ”One Toke Over the Line” — a “modern spiritual,” according to Mr. Welk. It’s a hoot!

  6. rgcombs said

    OK, two more:

    [ ”Legalize It”] (a nice acoustic version by Peter Tosh)

    [ ”Don’t Bogart Me”] (a.k.a. ”Don’t Bogart That Joint”) by Fraternity of Man

  7. Rick Shultz said

    And maybe before we leave this for good, we should include Neil Young in the list. Who could forget “Roll Another Number”?

  8. David Bryant said

    I just listened to all those NRPS numbers. And that got got me thinking — maybe it’s not exactly about marijuana exclusively, or even directly, but it has to be a contender anyway. “Truckin”, by the Grateful Dead. And on the general topic of prohibited recreational substances, “Casey Jones”, by the same bunch.

  9. David Bryant said

    As long as we’re getting maudlin, who could ever forget “White Rabbit” by the Jefferson Airplane? Back in the day, I thought it was just about a dead heat between Grace Sllick and Stevie Nicks for best female rock & roll vocalist.

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