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Broncos beat Bears, lose to Hester

Posted by Richard on November 26, 2007

I suspect there'll be a lot of special teams work this week at Dove Valley (the Broncos' practice facility). To go along with more work on defense.

Hey, Todd "we're not going to kick it away from him" Sauerbrun: didn't Devin Hester's punt return for a touchdown make you wonder about the wisdom of those words? I guess not, because you guys let him do it again on a kickoff. So Denver outscored the rest of the Bears 34-23, but Hester gave them another 14. Because you thought it would be "chicken-shit" to try to keep the ball out of his hands.

I'll tell you what, the next time you're facing an awesome, record-setting kick returner, I'll chip in a few bucks to help buy you a clue.

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2 Responses to “Broncos beat Bears, lose to Hester”

  1. Mark said

    Why Mike Shannahan is still the coach of the Broncos eludes me. He is no more a genius than I am, i could have coached the John Elway led Broncos to 2 super bowl wins!!

  2. rgcombs said

    Mark, I’m not thrilled by the changes Shanahan has made this year. But regarding your commment regarding Elway, I can’t help but note that Dan Reeves and Wade Philiips couldn’t coach the Elway-led Broncos to 2 Super Bowl wins.

    So either you’re an undiscovered genius as an NFL coach, or you’re full of … well, let’s just say you’re not as smart a coach as you think you are. 🙂

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