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Broncos get gutsy win

Posted by Richard on September 15, 2008

Going into today's game, I figured Denver had no better than a 50-50 chance of beating San Diego. I became more optimistic during the first half, but wasn't all that surprised by how badly the 3rd quarter went for them. When Cutler was intercepted in the end zone, I pretty much gave up on the game.

I had an errand to run and wanted to run it before post-game traffic got bad, so I heard the rest of the game on the radio. That reminded me of one of the drawbacks to watching HDTV: the several seconds by which an HD telecast is delayed means you can't watch the game on TV while listening to Dave Logan's play-by-play on the radio. Logan is so much better than the high-paid network TV guys.

If you're a Broncos fan, you probably watched, and you no doubt know all the amazing numbers and what an exciting game it was. Like me, you were probably expecting to see some overtime football when Denver scored with seconds to play. So I won't do a lengthy write-up, I'll just make two observations: 

  1. It's a good thing for the Broncos that Brandon Marshall appealed his suspension and got it reduced to one game.
  2. Mike Shanahan has stones the size of Volkswagens.  

UPDATE: Zombyboy has eight more observations than I do, and they're good.

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