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Posted by Richard on March 29, 2006

Dan Melson is hosting Carnival of Liberty #38 over at Searchlight Crusade. He’s got a slew of interesting-sounding posts. They’re organized into five categories, but most of them are in two: "Individual advancement of Liberty" and "Group advancement of Liberty." Check it out.

Meanwhile, over at Resistance is Futile!, Gullyborg outdid himself for Carnival of Cordite #52. It’s so big, it’s in two parts. Part 1 is a retrospective, with highlights from the preceding 51 carnivals (covering a bit more than a year due to some skipped weeks). So if you missed the original appearance of Kalashnikitty, this is your chance to check out that and other highlights of the past year.

Part 2 consists of the new entries for this week, and there are a ton — including, as usual, some great photos. And courtesy of Chris Muir, Gullyborg finishes with the "girls with guns" series of Day by Day cartoons. But then, you already read Day by Day regularly, right? You certainly should.

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