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Cheat offsetting

Posted by Richard on August 1, 2008

I mentioned this site the other day in the comments to this post, but it's so deliciously funny that I don't want you to miss it. It's called Cheatneutral, and it puts the concept of carbon offsets into perspective:

What is Cheat Offsetting?

When you cheat on your partner you add to the heartbreak, pain and jealousy in the atmosphere.

Cheatneutral offsets your cheating by funding someone else to be faithful and NOT cheat. This neutralises the pain and unhappy emotion and leaves you with a clear conscience.

Can I offset all my cheating?

First you should look at ways of reducing your cheating. Once you've done this you can use Cheatneutral to offset the remaining, unavoidable cheating

Don't just glance at the home page. Check out the rest of the site (especially "About" and "Our projects"). These are apparently global warming believers, but they recognize the absurdity and hypocrisy of carbon offsets, and they have a great sense of humor.

Also, they appear to be legitimate. If you want to offset your cheating, you pay the £2.50 fee via PayPal, and they promise to email you a certificate "so you can prove to your loved one that your playing away has been successfully offset." If you sign up as an Offset Project, they promise to pay you that fee when you're matched with a cheater, and they say they don't take a cut. (I'll let you know if I'm matched and receive a payment.)

Why not become a project? Or maybe you need to buy a certificate? 

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2 Responses to “Cheat offsetting”

  1. RedPencil said

    I notice you don’t actually need a partner in order to “become a project”. That is certainly double plus convenient! Just like you don’t actually need the wherewithal to pollute to provide someone else a carbon credit…

  2. rgcombs said

    I suspect the parallelism is not coincidental. 🙂

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