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Hearts and minds

Posted by Richard on July 24, 2007

Investors Business Daily:

The cut-and-run Democrats have long argued that our presence in Iraq has merely stirred things up and given al-Qaida an effective recruiting tool. Well, we've certainly stirred things up — and thanks to the success of our surgin' general, David Petraeus, we have a bevy of new Iraqi recruits. Except they've got al-Qaida in their cross hairs.

On Saturday, members of the 1st Cavalry Division based near Taji brokered a formal agreement between Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders to join forces against al-Qaida and other jihadists. The Sunni and Shiite agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji, just 12 miles north of Baghdad.

The deal is just the latest example of the progress Democrats claim isn't happening in Iraq — a series of deals with various tribes and militia groups that at one point were part of the insurgency. But it's the first involving both Sunni and Shiite sheiks together.

Read the whole thing.  


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One Response to “Hearts and minds”

  1. mothanskin said

    On Saturday, members of the 1st Cavalry Division based near Taji brokered a formal agreement between Sunni and Shiite tribal leaders to join forces against al-Qaida and other jihadists. The Sunni and Shiite agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji, just 12 miles north of Baghdad.

    The deal is just the latest example of the progress Democrats claim isn’t happening in Iraq — a series of deals with various tribes and militia groups that at one point were part of the insurgency. But it’s the first involving both Sunni and Shiite sheiks together.

    RG if you have a chance please read a recent relevant post of mine at Iraqi President Nouri al- Maliki disapproves of this so called “strategy” by Gen. Petraus and has told the occupying American forces they can leave any time they want. (Using killers and crooks to fight other killers and crooks is a Machievellian strategy that only has short term benefits. Are these sheiks and tribes fighting for “Iraqi freedom” or control of “crime turf”?

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