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Hillary hits glass ceiling

Posted by Richard on June 3, 2008

It's all over, according to AP, CNN, and CBS. And it's a familiar story for feminists. A highly educated, highly competent, incredibly bright woman (the smartest woman in the world, according to her supporters) spent years in the shadow of a less disciplined, less competent man. She supported him through thick and thin, sublimating her own ambition and career goals to support his.

Eventually, she stepped out of his shadow. She joined the world's most prestigious boys' club and proved she was as tough and competent as any of them. She decided the time was ripe for her to move up to the executive suite. She'd paid her dues — and then some. It was a promotion that she was clearly entitled to. 

But then, as she was poised to assume the role for which she'd been working for decades, along came some wet-behind-the-ears, inexperienced male competitor. Compared to her, he was an intellectual lightweight with an incredibly thin resume. It should have been clear to all the decision-makers that she was the far superior candidate for the position. But he was young, handsome, charismatic — and male. He got the promotion, and she was passed over.

Another outrageous example of the gender bias that permeates our sexist society. I wonder how N.O.W. and other feminist organizations will react to this injustice. 

Well, really, I don't. I'm sure their commitment to liberal/leftist ideology in general will trump any concern they have for women's rights and gender equality in particular. The "little ladies" will obediently climb aboard the Obama bandwagon. If they didn't, the men who run things would call them racists. 

UPDATE: Instalanche! And not just a quick "Heh!" — Glenn posted a teaser quote. Thanks, Glenn! To those of you who aren't sure — yes, my tongue was firmly in my cheek while writing this. It's not easy satirizing the left these days, is it?

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15 Responses to “Hillary hits glass ceiling”

  1. Hathor said

    Somehow I never saw her as the feminist candidate. I’m sorry, if she had wanted to be president, she would have ran for public office 30 years ago. It was if she was running as the legacy candidate of the Clinton dynasty.

    As for these women’s affiliations, just what kind of candidate did they think Shirley Chisholm was? This was the time when feminism was coming of age.

  2. MJN1957 said

    Welcome to the world of Affirmative Action, Hillary….

    Wonderful concept…ain’t it?

  3. Hogarth said

    But then, as she was poised to assume the role for which she’d been working for decades, along came some wet-behind-the-ears, inexperienced male competitor.

    Yes, and one with an even bigger entitlement-chip on his shoulder.

  4. kevino said

    RE: “It was a promotion that she was clearly entitled to. “

    She’s not “entitled”. She lost because she ran one of the worst campaigns for the Democratic nomination by a major player in recent history. At the beginning she had huge advantages over every candidate in the field, and she blew it. She assembled a team that excelled more in their personal devotion to her more than their skills. She didn’t bring out the best in her team. She wasted money and ran out of cash. She walked into the Super Tuesday primaries expecting a knock-out and didn’t have a backup plan.

    If her campaign was a reflection of her management abilities, it’s a good thing that Senator Clinton is not going to be President.

  5. TW Andrews said

    Uh, I’m pretty sure that no one is “entitled” to the Presidency, or even a shot at it. Obama ran a better campaign from end-to-end. There wasn’t any “glass ceiling” keeping her down, it was her own total lack of a plan after the February 5th primaries. If she had actively contested those, she would almost certainly be the nominee at this point.

  6. TW Andrews said

    Heh, wow. Totally missed the satire of the post. I guess it’s just a bit to easy to really imagine an embittered Hillary supporter writing something exactly like this

  7. RhondaCoca said

    “Welcome to the world of Affirmative Action, Hillary….

    Wonderful concept…ain’t it? “

    Yea, only if white women were not the number #1 beneficiaries of Affirmative Action. I swear people would not cease to be idiotic and misinformed.

    Also, “entitled”, exactly so why did you get so mad when Father Pfleger said it. That she was “Bill’s wife…she was entitled…a black man stole her show!”.

    Listen, white women get no pity from this black women. They dont know struggles or glass ceilings and brick walls like black women do.

    The poor privilleged and overprotected white women who is entitled to the world and attached to white male patriarchy…poor you, i’m so sorry.

    A black man got the nomination because our history proves that black men are privilleged, they get what they have worked hard for and they have been treated equal.

    Obama has just as many if not more (and I believe that it is more) hurdles to jump through.

    The point however is that Hillary ran a terrible campaign and Obama ran an excellent campaign…that is why HE WON. Sh worked for it and got it!

  8. bigbooner said

    She continually offered herself as the candidate of experience (35 years) but she has only served 7 years in public office. Most of her “experience” came from being married to Bill. She ranks 36th in seniority in the Senate and Obama is 39th. Not that big of a deal. If a personnel manager read her application he/she would call b.s. on this 35 years of experience nonsense. She is a fraud.

  9. MJ said

    Obama does indeed have a bigger entitlement chip on his shoulder.

    At least there’s comfort in the fact that on November 4 each of us gets to vote against Barack Obama in the privacy of the voting booth, without having to worry about someone nearby calling us a “racist” for doing so.

  10. RedPencil said

    Sarcasm aside, Hillary IS experienced and competent. If only relative to Obama.

  11. rgcombs said

    Wow, an Instalanche! Thanks, Glenn, and thank you all for dropping by. Please have a look around.

    ”Heh, wow. Totally missed the satire of the post. I guess it’s just a bit to easy to really imagine an embittered Hillary supporter writing something exactly like this”

    I thought about adding a smiley at the end just to make it clear. You’re right, TW — it’s hard to satirize the left these days. 😉

  12. John said

    all over indeed, but she had a great run and picked up some momentum

  13. bigbooner said

    Red Pencil, you say she IS experienced then please list for us her accomplishments. I don’t need to list Obama’s because that’s the drum she is beating. If you mine by “experienced” appearing in front of various Senate committees investigating her activities then yes she is more experienced than him. Just because she has more name familiarity does not make her more capable.

  14. peter jackson said

    At least Hillary has actually been RE-elected to national office. And you can poo-poo being married to the President all you want, but it still gives her more of a clue than being a “community organizer” gives Obama.

    The truth is I like Obama more than Clinton, but this is over-shadowed by my desire to see the first black presidency actually be successful and thus throw open the door for future minority candidates. I really wish Obama had waited until he’d built a significant resume. As it stands he doesn’t have the experience required to make him a successful governor, much less the US President. There’s no way I’ll vote for him.

  15. bigbooner said

    Yeah, re-elected in a state that runs about 3 to 1 Democrat. That is some accomplishment.

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