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I’m standing by Israel

Posted by Richard on July 14, 2006

I’ve sent the following brief message to

Mr. President:

This is no time for waffling or ambivalence. Do not join the spineless Euroweenies calling on Israel to "stop hitting back."

We must unequivocally stand by Israel against the Islamofascists!

Thank you.

I’ve also signed the following letter by the Anti-Defamation League:

Dear Secretary-General Annan:

On the eve of the first session of the new Human Rights Council in Geneva, you rightly said: “I hope we are not going to see a situation where the Human Rights Council focuses on Israel, but not on the others.”

Sadly, that is exactly what has happened. The obsession with Israel which discredited the old Human Rights Commission has been transferred to the new Human Rights Council. We have had a resolution condemning Israel but ignoring Palestinian acts of terror and violence. Condemnation of Israel is to be a fixed item on the agenda at all future Council meetings.

We urge you to speak out again. Tell the Human Rights Council that its fixation with Israel is not acceptable. Make the Human Rights Council understand that its agenda should be about promoting human rights, and not the narrow interests of its member states, many of which themselves have appalling human rights records.

Mr. Secretary-General, if we cannot have a Human Rights Council which does not make a mockery out of the noble concept of human rights, then perhaps we should not have one at all. The choice is clear: reform or disband.

And I’ve made a donation to Magen David Adom — the Red Star of David, Israel’s counterpart to the Red Cross.

Please join me in any or all of these modest steps. Israel is fighting not just for its own people — it’s fighting for Western Civilization against the forces of darkness and barbarism. Decent, civilized people everywhere must stand by Israel.

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