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Missed another debate

Posted by Richard on November 16, 2007

If, like me, you completely missed tonight's Democratic debate on CNN and, unlike me, you really want to know all about it, head over to Vodkapundit, who drunkblogged it to a fare-thee-well.

Actually, head over there for the entertainment value, even if you're as uninterested in what the candidates said as I am. If you're pressed for time, skip or skim the early part and start reading about 7:00 — 6:59, actually, when Stephen Green explained why he began drunkblogging and why he must continue.

It gets progressively more amusing after that, especially after they move to questions from undecided voters, about whom Green said:

Three out of four undecided voters on CNN are pear-shaped middle-agd women with a tendency to ramble, and who want things from the government. Don't blame me if you think that's cruel–I'm just reporting what I see.

Be sure to read the wrap-up at the end. (For the benefit of the scrolling-averse and time-challenged, Green posted the wrap by itself here.) Then congratulate yourself for not watching the damn thing. 🙂 

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