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Pi Approximation Day

Posted by Richard on July 22, 2008

To all you Europeans and others who favor the date format dd/mm, Happy Pi Approximation Day! Or Casual Pi Day!

You see, July 22 can be expressed as 22/7 — which is a good approximation of pi (3.1415926…).

It's too late for this year, but bookmark this site so you can order your Casual Pi posters, mugs, and T-shirts for next year.

And next year, don't forget to celebrate Pi Day like a real American — on Einstein's birthday, 3/14, at 1:59:26.

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2 Responses to “Pi Approximation Day”

  1. jed said

    Reminds me of a good book. A History of Pi, by Petr Beckmann.

    Pretty fascinating stuff. And Pi even helped save the U.S.S. Enterprise.

    Pi … is there anything it can’t do?

  2. rgcombs said

    Fixed that link for you. I never read ”A History of Pi” — sounds good. I fondly remember Beckmann’s terrific libertarian, pro-technology newsletter, ”Access to Energy,” and the outstanding book, [ ”The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear]”. I read that shortly after reading the anti-nuclear polemic ”Poisoned Power” by John Gofman (another libertarian). Beckmann won that argument hands down.

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