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Public gets media bias

Posted by Richard on September 8, 2008

A new Rasmussen poll makes it clear that the mainstream media aren't fooling too many people with their claims of objectivity:

According to Rasmussen, fully 68% of voters believe that "most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win." And — no surprise — 49% of those surveyed believe reporters are backing Barack Obama, while just 14% think the media is in the tank for Sen. McCain.

Meanwhile, 51% of those surveyed thought the press was "trying to hurt" Mrs. Palin with its coverage.

Perhaps most troubling for the press corps, though, was this finding: "55% said media bias is a bigger problem for the electoral process than large campaign donations."

Ironically, the MSM may be working so hard on behalf of Obama that they seriously undermine him.

Given those poll numbers, I'm thinking that if the Republicans are smart, they'll secretly work to get Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews reinstated. In fact, they ought to be pushing for Keith Olberman to host NBC's Nightly News!



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2 Responses to “Public gets media bias”

  1. Hathor said

    Rasmussen doesn’t rolll off my lips. What, who and where is sample? For that matter is poll published?

  2. rgcombs said

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