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Remembering the London bombings

Posted by Richard on July 7, 2006

It’s been a year since the London tube (subway) bombings, and Howie at The Jawa Report put together a retrospective, linking to "The Jawa Reports account of the hours and days following this cowardly attack." Well worth your time.

Others are remembering the 7/7 bombings, too. As Bill Roggio noted at Counterterrorism Blog, al-Qaeda is celebrating the anniversary via a newly-released video crowing about the attack, lionizing the perpetrators, and promising more to come.

Meanwhile, Perry de Havilland at reminded us that Britain has more than its share of craven cowards who’ll do anything to avoid incurring the wrath of the Islamists and are ready to embrace their dhimmitude. De Havilland linked to this Daily Mail article reporting that the Church of England may dump St. George as patron saint of England. He scoffed at the idea (emphasis added by me):

I would have to say that the Church of England are flattering themselves if they think it is actually up to them. … I suspect the association of this mythic dragon-slayer with ‘Englishness’ will outlive England’s established church comfortably.

In a post-Christian society like England, St. George, who may or may not have been a Roman general, is really just a cultural construct that embodies certain mythic values ascribed to England. And that is, of course, why the emasculated appeasers who make up the leadership of the Church of England really want to replace the mythic warrior St. George:

But the Church of England is considering rejecting England’s patron saint St. George on the grounds that his image is too warlike and may offend Muslims.

The news story provided further evidence of why the pusillanimous poltroons of the Church of England might not be comfortable with St. George:

The image of St George was used to foster patriotism in 1940, when King George VI inaugurated the George Cross for civilian acts of the greatest bravery. The medal bears a depiction of the saint slaying the dragon.

However, George has become unfashionable among politicians and bureaucrats. His saint’s day, April 23, has no official celebration in England, and councils have banned the St George flag from their buildings and vehicles during the World Cup.

The saint became an English hero during the crusades against the Muslim armies that captured Jerusalem in the 11th century. 

The crusades … oh, my! No wonder that flag’s been banned and the Church wants to dump this guy. Why, any invocation of St. George is bound to offend Britain’s Muslims, and who knows what that might drive them to do. On the other hand, if we avoid giving offense, the Islamists won’t hurt us, right?

I wonder how long before the bishops of the Church of England discuss dumping the cross as a symbol because it offends Muslims.

 An infallible method of conciliating a tiger is to allow oneself to be devoured.
      — Konrad Adenauer


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One Response to “Remembering the London bombings”

  1. alper said

    The links and images in this blog lead me to more info. If you put more images up on the site it would be greatt. A visual is always good. Just a suggestion.

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