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Shocker! Mainstream news outlet uses phrase “global cooling”

Posted by Richard on October 27, 2009

It's definitely a "man bites dog" event when a CBS-affiliated local TV news department headlines a story "Global Cooling Causes Fish Kill In Cherry Creek": 

DENVER (CBS4) – A major fish kill was reported Tuesday afternoon in Cherry Creek in downtown Denver.

Dead fish were spotted from Confluence Park upstream to Speer Boulevard.
The fish were small, between two to four inches long. They were floating in the swift current and sloughing off on the banks of the creek.

The Division Of Wildlife said the kill came as a result of global cooling.

I'm sure the DOW really said something about "recent cooling" or the like, referring to the weather, not climate. And I'm certain that legions of climate change watchdogs are contacting CBS4Denver at this moment, and the offending phrase will soon be scrubbed from the story. But it gave me a laugh. Here's the original preserved for posterity: 

Global Cooling Causes Fish Kill 

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One Response to “Shocker! Mainstream news outlet uses phrase “global cooling””

  1. David Aitken said

    Gone! at 11:53am. Now it’s “Cooler Weather Causes Fish Kill In Cherry Creek”

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