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The East’s turn

Posted by Richard on February 6, 2007

Just a few weeks ago, New Yorkers were fretting about the ominously warm weather, folks in D.C. were viewing cherry blossoms with alarm and blaming Bush, and satirists were making fun of global-warming  doubters. Here in Denver, where we’ve been measuring the snow with yardsticks and keeping track of the temperature by counting on our fingers, I was neither amused nor sympatthetic.

Now it’s turnabout time! After suffering seven weeks of harsh winter weather, I can’t resist chortling a bit over the reports of heavy snow and subzero temperatures back east. Meanwhile, it’s sunny and around 60° in Denver today. In the last couple of days, most of the ice has melted off the street in front of my house, and the snow in the yard has melted down to just 6 or 8 inches deep.

But I can’t gloat for too long — we’re expecting light snow Friday night into Saturday. Sigh.

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