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The sanction of the victim

Posted by Richard on September 22, 2007

The more I’ve listened to and read the arguments that there’s no problem with Mahmoud Ahm-a-doin-a-jihad coming to New York (yet again), the more disgusted I’ve become.

As if reasonable people could have a polite discussion with him about stoning women and homosexuals to death (with small stones, Mahmoud insisted, so they would suffer more), and publicly hanging dissidents by the score.

As if it were not craven cowardice for a Jewish mayor to say, in effect, he’d have no problem with a Holocaust denier committed to wiping out Israel visiting Ground Zero if it weren’t for that pesky construction and the security problem.

As if inviting this monster onto an American campus were not an unforgivable slap in the face to the students and faculty of Tehran University who’ve been beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and killed.

As if we don’t have incontrovertible evidence that he’s sent not only his weapons but his soldiers into Iraq to kill Americans, and as if Iran had not been killing Americans and de facto waging war on us for almost 30 years.

Treating this bastard as a respected world leader is giving him — and the other thugs that fill the halls at the U.N. — what evil always seeks and we must stop granting: the sanction of the victim. Dr. Sanity wrote about this a year ago:

Repeatedly over the years (but especially more recently), the world has said to America, “We will give you the honor and privilege of fixing our problems for us; and in return, we get to spit in your face; denounce you as immoral; and generally denigrate your culture, your leaders, and your people.”

The UN’s perverse anti-Americanism is well documented. No other country gives more to this organization than the U.S.; and no other country is on the receiving end of its absurd and childish criticisms more.

Only by withdrawing the “sanction of the victim,” –i.e., refusing to be manipulated in this manner–refusing to give aid where there is scorn and not even grudging gratitude; refusing to shoulder the burden of all as they beat us upon the back and tell us to go faster, do it better, and jump higher; refusing to pay their debts; fix their problems; or protect them from their own, deliberate, suicidal behavior–only then will the looters and the parasites be forced to recognize reality.

Every time I see our country accept the premises of the insane political correctness promulgated by the political left–a doctrine that claims that, while all cultures and countries are equal; you, America, are uniquely bad and evil and must be punished for your sins. Every time I witness the hysteria mounted when America falls short of its own ideals–and then willingly and honorably acknowledges the fact and takes steps to correct it; every time I witness the granting of moral equivalence between America and the barbaric terrorists who get a free pass from the international community and the MSM for their behavior (being a terrorist means never having to say you’re sorry as far as the left is concerned)– I am appalled.

Me too.

Do we really have no choice under our “treaty obligations,” as some insist? History says otherwise.

In 1983, after the Soviet Union shot down Korean Air Lines flight 007, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko canceled a trip to the U.N. after Governor Mario Cuomo of New York and Governor Thomas Kean of New Jersey (not exactly rabid right-wingers) both vowed not to allow a Soviet plane to land in their states.

In 1988, the Reagan Administration denied Arafat a visa to speak to the U.N. because he was a terrorist. The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution condemning the United States, and then packed up and moved to Geneva, where Arafat was warmly embraced.

In neither case did the world end. In 1988, unfortunately, there was a down side: the General Assembly later returned to New York.

UPDATE: Please sign Brigitte Gabriel’s petition to Columbia University President Lee Bollinger.

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4 Responses to “The sanction of the victim”

  1. Solomon said

    I had forgotten about Arafat/Reagan and 1988. Very interesting. The entire General Assembly moved so Arafat could address them. Illuminating.

  2. dymphna said

    good post! You inspired me and I linked to you wiith a post…this is disgusting, what’s going on in NYC. The swarming of the Left.

    Buncha moral midgets

  3. rgcombs said

    Moral midgets is right. The change toward Arafat illustrates the problem. He was a vile, contemptible, and corrupt terrorist with American blood on his hands (although less of it than Ahm-a-doin-a-jihad), and in ’88 Reagan turned him away without a second thought.

    Five years later, Clinton embraced the disgusting little weasel on the White House lawn. And the idiot Rabin shook his hand while Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush smiled approvingly. The moral relativists who won’t condemn anything (except America and Western Civilization) have ruled the roost ever since.

    Thank you all for coming by.

  4. funky chicken said

    Thank you for this post! It makes the admittance of Khatami last year even more breathtaking, along with the Bush state department spokesperson’s insistance that they had to admit him as a courtesy to the UN, well….I’m out of words.

    There are no plans for Mr. Khatami to meet with U.S. government officials. But the decision to grant the visa, allowing him to attend an inter-faith religious dialogue in Washington next month, is nontheless a significant political gesture.

    The former Iranian president is considered a moderate among Iranian clerics, and he advocated dialogue with the United States during his term in office, which ended last year.

    The Bush administration had indicated some time ago that it would respond favorably to a request from leaders of the U.S. Episcopal church that Mr. Khatami be allowed to attend the September 7 event at Washington’s National Cathedral, and the visa was formally issued Tuesday.

    Mr. Khatami will also attend a United Nations conference in New York next week.

    At a news briefing, State Department Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey said the visa was granted in part because of U.S. treaty obligations as the host country of the United Nations.

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