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When control freaks lose control

Posted by Richard on September 13, 2007

Say Uncle posted an interesting story the other day about an anti-gun Tennessee state legislator. It seems that Rep. Bob Briley's belief that you, dear gun owner, can't be trusted to be responsible and exercise self-control is yet another example of liberal projection:

TN State Rep. Rob Briley was arrested for DUI after rear-ending a car and leaving the scene. During his arrest, he allegedly finished his drink at gunpoint. On Monday, he was arrested again for vandalism for kicking the window of a patrol car and causing $1,500 worth of damage. Under the influence, Mr. Briley reacted violently. And stupidly.

As a chairman of the Judiciary committee, Briley blocked various pro-gun bills, including opposing a bill to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their weapons where alcohol is served so long as they weren’t drinking. No wonder he can’t trust you to be armed in the same room where there may be alcohol, look what it does to him.

Briley, a Nashville Democrat, led police on a 100-mph chase before being apprehended. He spent time in an alcohol treatment facility last year, and apparently is headed back. 'Cause, you know, he's not responsible for what he did. Show some compassion. You wouldn't want him to lose his job — or worse, face a mandatory sentence — just for some technical violation involving a deadly weapon. At least, not when the weapon is an automobile.


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