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Yet another condoms for kids story

Posted by Richard on June 20, 2010

In the previous post, I approved of the growing willingness of conservatives to set aside contentious social issues — the drug war, abortion, gay marriage — in order to focus on the critical economic and fiscal problems that threaten our nation.

On the other hand, I think there are some social issues that conservatives and libertarians can agree on. For instance, when arrogant government educrats want to provide condoms to elementary school students, whether their parents approve or not: 

A New England school district has approved a measure that will provide free condoms to elementary school students and direct teachers not to comply with parental wishes to the contrary.
The policy, unanimously approved by the Provincetown School Committee does not include an age limit — meaning children of any age ask for — and receive — free condoms. …
The committee also directed school leaders not to honor requests from any parent who might object to their child receiving condoms.

If this outrageous decision stands, it reinforces the idea that children belong to The State, not to their parents. Conservatives and libertarians ought to join forces to oppose statist crap like this.

Conservatives and libertarians can find common ground in situations where the government is trying to impose its social agenda on its citizens (or their children). And maybe they can agree (at least for now) to set aside those issues that involve individual choice and difficult moral decisions. 

Sounds like a winner to me. 

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