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A Liberty Day treat

Posted by Richard on March 16, 2007

Happy Liberty Day! And James Madison's birthday! In honor of the occasion, Dana Hanley chose today for the inaugural Carnival of Principled Government. I intended to submit a post, but screwed up and missed the deadline. No matter — Dana was kind enough to include one of mine as an Editor's Choice. And there is no shortage of other intriguing links — I'll have to make some time later to check a number of them out. You should, too.

Bravo, Dana — this carnival is an astonishing first effort!

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2 Responses to “A Liberty Day treat”

  1. Dana said

    Thanks! I appreciate your kind words. Actually, I was surprised that I did not have more entries regarding the 2nd Amendment case.

    btw, do you find you get more intelligent commenters since we have to have a grasp of basic arithmetic in order to leave a comment? Just curious. : )

  2. rgcombs said

    I don’t get enough comments for a statistically valid before-and-after intelligence comparison. But there have been times when I’ve struggled and failed to decipher the warped text Turing test that’s commonly used, so I was glad to see Blog-City adopt this alternative system. The government school students can just use a calculator. 😉

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