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The day the Americans leave Iraq

Posted by Richard on March 17, 2007

Abdallah Safialdeen, Hizbullah's representative in Iran, appeared on Iranian TV on March 4, 2007, and the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which operates the MEMRI TV Monitor Project, has a video clip and transcript. Safialdeen was crowing about how Hizbullah's "victory" in Lebanon set the stage for U.S. withdrawal from the region and the end of Israel:

Do you know what an American withdrawal from Iraq will mean? It will mean that Israel will lose its support. It will mean that the Lebanese Hizbullah will not need a large-scale war in order to enter Palestine. Hizbullah will be able to simply walk into Palestine. Rest assured that the day the American forces leave Iraq, the Israelis will leave the region along with them. What was one of the reasons for Olmert's recent visit to America? He went there in order to say to the Democrats: "Don't say that the American army will leave Iraq, because this would mean the annihilation of the Zionist regime." This is because the annihilation of the Zionist regime has begun. Like some of our friends say, Palestine is no longer a problem for us, because the Americans will be forced to leave Iraq. With or without a war against Iran, they will be forced to do so. The moment they leave Iraq, you, the Muslims of the world, can walk into Palestine, because Israel will no longer exist.

Do all the Jews out there who are still liberal Democrats have any questions? 

HT: American Congress for Truth  

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