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A modest question

Posted by Richard on March 21, 2008

I'm wondering: If Barack Obama can describe his grandmother as "a typical white person" (for having the same misgivings about being followed by a young black man that Jesse Jackson once said he had), would it be OK for me to suggest that the woman pictured below is "a typical black person"?

Never mind, I know the answer: Of course not! That would be stereotyping, condescending, cruel, insensitive, and insulting to millions of sane, responsible, decent black people.

I'm almost certain, however, that the person below is a typical moonbat progressive Democrat.

 Protester on 5th anniversary of Iraq war

This photo is from ProtestShooter, who has many more of various March 19 5th anniversary protest activities in San Francisco and other such recent events. Check it out, and if you appreciate his/her work, make a small donation via one of the PayPal links. (HT: LGF)

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2 Responses to “A modest question”

  1. Hathor said

    However she may be somebody’s grandmother.

  2. rgcombs said

    Good one. 🙂

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