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A reason to celebrate

Posted by Richard on November 9, 2016

No, I’m not celebrating because The Donald was elected. He wasn’t in my list of top ten candidates for president. If I’d bothered to put together a list of my top 100 (or 1000) candidates, he wouldn’t have been in that list either.

I’m celebrating because Felonia McPantsuit (as Kurt Schlichter dubbed her) won’t be bringing her toxic, Chavista-like mixture of unbridled corruption and radical leftist ideology to the White House. And won’t be carting out yet more of its furnishings after four or eight years.

Oh, yeah, and I’m celebrating because … no hanging chads!!

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2 Responses to “A reason to celebrate”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    My apologies in advance Richard. I honestly meant not the slightest bit of disrespect, it is just that alcohol and guns don’t mix any better than Donald Trump sometimes.

    It Is The Apprentice

    It is the Apprentice, not the Soldier
    Who has given us the right to say “I Donold
    Trump, do solemnly swear to uphold….

    It is the Green Jeans not the Suit that hath
    given me the right to crack that bottle of Jack Daneils
    and make English our 2nd language that….
    we may invent new words to describe our electoral cawlidge,
    like quaackk yore fierd! Howmuh duwin baws?

  2. Rick Shultz said

    Well it’s obvious that a quart of Jack Black wouldn’t have made that funny.
    Guess I know I’m no good at drunk blogging. Move along folks, nothing to see here.

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