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Acoustic Yes

Posted by Richard on September 24, 2014

My old friend John shared this with me. In 2004, Yes performed an all-too-brief (38 min.) acoustic concert that was shown live via satellite in theaters across the US after the premier of the documentary Yesspeak. This is the 1972-73 lineup (arguably the best): John Anderson (vocals), Steve Howe (guitar), Rick Wakeman (piano), Chris Squire (bass), and Alan White (drums). Enjoy!

Let’s start with a wonderful version of “Roundabout” that gives Steve Howe a chance to show off a bit.

[YouTube link]

“Southside of the Sky” ends with a fine Rick Wakeman solo.

[YouTube link]

Everyone’s sounding fine on “Long Distance Runaround,” but pay particular attention to Chris Squire’s fine bass work.

[YouTube link]

 I’ll finish as the concert did, with this simply amazing version of “I’ve Seen All Good People.”

[YouTube link]

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One Response to “Acoustic Yes”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    Thanks for the acoustic concert. Definitely some great music, but I think the electrified YES was always best. I will NEVER forget seeing them during the “In The Round” tour at the Omni in Atlanta. That MAY have been the very best concert I ever went to, not counting, of course, the time I saw Jethro Tull at the Omni during the “Broadsword And The Beast” tour, and the Rush concert in Huntsville, and………….damn, those were the days.

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