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Alternative radio programming

Posted by Richard on July 29, 2005

The terrorist organization known as Hamas, a Wahabbi organization with funding and support from Saudi Arabia, has been firing rockets and mortars at the Jewish communities in the Gaza Strip, even as those communities prepare for their evacuation as part of the complete Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. These attacks are expected to escalate as the evacuation date approaches.

WorldNetDaily reports that Hamas, which is wildly popular in the Gaza Strip, has been putting its official radio station to an interesting use:

Sources say Hamas operations coordinators in Gaza use the station to provide terrorists with directions such as the exact coordinates in and near Gaza City from which to launch the rockets and mortars and the trajectory to be used in firing the Qassam missiles.

Qassams, about four feet in length, lack a guidance system and are launched by terrorists using the rocket’s trajectory and known travel distance to aim at a particular Jewish community.

"The radio station is not only broadcasting incitement, but, incredibly, broadcasting military instructions to carry out attacks against Israel," said a security source.

 Of course, the Palestinian Authority acted immediately to put a stop to this outrage, right? Yeah, right:

The Palestinian Authority’s Interior Ministry recently announced on its website it would "take all the necessary legal means" against Al Aqsa Voice, which "damages national unity and is a blatant and overt violation both of the law and professional ethics."

No action was taken against the radio station. Still, Hamas, on its site, strongly condemned the Interior Ministry’s threat, calling it "a calculated blow against us and an action against the free media, [an institution] protected by all international treaties … ."

I found this to be rather bizarre:

Voice of Al Aqsa is broadcast both on FM and on the Internet with programming that routinely incites violence against Israel. The station was bombed by the Israeli Defense Forces in May 2004, but was rebuilt quickly and resumed broadcasts shortly thereafter.

The Society for Internet Research told WND the Al Aqsa Internet site is hosted by a Miami, Fla.-based company, Vault Networks. The site’s live radio stream, assigned to the "Habeeb Net Internet Cafe" in Gaza, is currently down, but the FM radio broadcast is fully functional. The Internet broadcast upstream provider is Barak ITC, a large Israeli telecommunications company.

An Israeli company? An Israeli company?? Stalin famously said that the capitalists would sell him the rope with which to hang them. Apparently, some Israelis will sell the paleostinians the bandwidth with which to kill Jews. Disgusting.

So, let’s compare and contrast, shall we?

  • The Israeli government is forcibly removing all Jewish settlers, withdrawing its forces, and turning the Gaza Strip over to the Palestinian Authority in order to demonstrate its commitment to a peaceful two-state solution.
  • The political organization that represents, by all accounts, the majority of paleostinians in the Gaza Strip, is attacking the Jewish settlers with rockets and mortars, even as they’re packing up and leaving, in order to demonstrate … um … its commitment to … um … wiping all Jews off the face of the earth.

The Western intelligentsia — when it isn’t overtly anti-Israel — argues that we must find some compromise between the two sides. What do you suppose a compromise between those two points of view would look like? How many dead Jews do you thing Hamas will accept as a "reasonable accommodation" of their "legitimate grievances"?

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2 Responses to “Alternative radio programming”

  1. TF Stern said

    Your logic is on the money. I think the Israeli govevernment should continue a complete withdrawl of all Israeli citizens from the area and then nuke the entire section to make it uninhabitable for several years, thereby creating the “fence” necessary for their survival. There has never been an honest remark made to include living peacefully or side by side, the intent has been and always will be to destroy from the face of the earth all Jews. To believe otherwise is to ignore the truth.

  2. White Avenue said

    Please! Your posturing is contradictary. As a Libertarian you should applaud a free market economy and the generating of the Almighty Dollar by anybody by any means. Besides, these people are going to fight no matter what. Lets make a little profit.

    As for the Israeli invaders being nuked as they’re being removed, tit for tat. They gave out violence when they stole the land. Now they get the violence back when they’re forced to return what they stole.

    Last, but not least, the Israeli government has already stopped the pullout. Very little land was returned after the 40 Minute Exodus. The Israeli’s wandered around the mall for 40 minutes, and then went home and back to gleefully blowing peoples heads off. Which is only fair. People are trying to blow theirs off.

    Watch the skies!

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