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Alvaro’s photos are back!

Posted by Richard on September 16, 2005

Last Friday, I raved about Alvaro Morales’ photo essay, "Five Days with Katrina." Unfortunately, it quickly became unavailable. Today, Alvaro’s sister Silvia notified me that the stunning Katrina essay is on line again. In fact, it’s been joined by several other collections of Alvaro’s wonderful photography at the new site, Alvaro’s Gallery. I’m looking forward to viewing those also.

If you haven’t seen "Five Days with Katrina," you must not have read what I wrote Friday:

The essay contains 197 photos, and Alvaro has a marvelous eye for photography. Many are stunningly beautiful, yet also disturbing. If you go to look, allow enough time to go through them all (at least 30-45 minutes). Don’t just skip around; there’s a story being told, and you really should read and see the whole story.

I can’t recommend
Alvaro’s photo essay highly enough. Great big thanks to Left Brain Female for recommending it.

And great big thanks to Alvaro for making it available again, and to Silvia for letting me know!

So, now will you go look already?  

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