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Another Bolton critic exposed

Posted by Richard on April 27, 2005

It turns out that the latest accuser of John Bolton, Frederick Vreeland, is yet another left/liberal foreign service type who hates Bolton for promoting US interests instead of the interests of the UN. Powerline has the scoop on this guy here and here. Vreeland is a rich liberal one-worlder who thinks the US is to blame for terrorist bombings, Israel is to blame for virtually everything bad in the world, and US policy should be to abandon Israel and prostate itself before the kleptocrats at the UN.

So the Dems have dragged out yet another highly partisan activist with very little credibility, just like Carl Ford, Melody Townsel, and Lynne Finney (see Captain Ed’s thoughts on Finney).

So far, no one’s found a Vreeland Website to compete with Finney’s. But there’s a Confirm Bolton site that you should visit. And you should read David Limbaugh’s column, too.

The Dems are trying (with little success, IMO) to impugn Bolton’s character. But what they’re really upset about is that he’s an advocate of the Bush foreign policy and a critic of the UN. OMG! How dare Bush continue appointing advocates of his policies to important positions! Doesn’t he realize that his policies haven’t passed the Global Test?

Personally, I think being a harsh critic of the UN should be the minimum qualification to be our UN ambassador.

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