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Another weather milestone

Posted by Richard on February 8, 2007

Today was the 49th day on which Denver officially had at least one inch of snow on the ground. That puts this streak into third place for longest continuous snow cover. The streak began on December 21, the day after our pre-Christmas blizzard began. The official measurement (which still takes place at the old Stapleton Airport location) is made once each day in the morning, so the foot or more that fell during the day on the 20th doesn’t count.

We’ve still got 8 inches on the ground, and it’s getting colder again, so the streak continues for now. But we’ll probably need some fresh snow soon if we’re going to get to first or second place — 63 and 60 days, respectively.

Of course, our little streak probably just merits a chuckle from folks in western New York, where the lake effect snows have dumped 5+ feet in the last few days. I imagine it will take a while for that to melt, and it will probably be refreshed from time to time. But folks there are used to it, right?

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