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Atlas at 50

Posted by Richard on October 17, 2007

Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged was published fifty years ago this month, and naturally, The Atlasphere remembered. Read Yaron Brook's column about how influential the novel has been, but why it hasn't changed the world as much as it could — or should. Brook noted that last year Atlas Shrugged sold over 130,000 copies — more than when it was first published.

Then, if you're a film fan who likes Rand, read Bob Bidinotto's long and revealing feature piece about Atlas the movie. The news is terrific, with what sounds like a great screenplay, producers, director, and cast. Bidinotto's bottom line:

I want to emphasize this as strongly as I can: These people are all absolutely committed to doing a great film, faithful to Rand’s story, characters, and ideas.

At long last, I really think this film will be made — and in a way that Ayn Rand would have liked.

Shooting is scheduled to begin early next year, and the film should be in theaters in 2009. 

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