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Banned in India

Posted by Richard on July 20, 2006

The Jawa Report is one of 17 named blogs that, along with a number of domains, have been banned in India — apparently because they offend India’s Islamist Muslims, and the Indian government is afraid of those Muslims. In response, Dr. Rusty Shackleford wrote about why it matters:

Why did India ban this website? And what is the larger meaning of this action?

The short answer to the first question is that we offended Islamists and India is afraid of its own Muslim citizens. The short answer to the second question is that, sadly, it is increasingly becoming evident that liberty may not be able to exist wherever there is a large population of Muslims.

India has been taken hostage by its sizeable Muslim population. It is afraid of its own citizens. It fears that if they are exposed to that which is religiously offensive, that violence might erupt. That if the government doesn’t do something, then they might just have to do something about the government.

India’s banning of this and other websites, then, is completely rational. It is based on the real fear of real people who do real violence. Thus, it is completely understandable.

While we might understand India’s reason for banning our website, we certainly don’t condone it.

Giving in to violent threats is not, in my book, a winning strategy for defeating the very people who are threatening you. Appeasement only works if your goal is appeasement. If your goal is to drag Muslims who have a 7th century mentality about how the world ought to be ordered into the 21st century, then this is no way to do it.

Read, as they say, the whole thing. And maybe leave Dr. Rusty a note of support.

UPDATE: Welcome, Wall Street Journal readers! Please have a look around. You may see something that interests you in the left sidebar. Or visit my home page for the last week or so of postings, which are mainly about the war against Islamofascism, focusing on the Israeli front.

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