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Can’t… watch… debate

Posted by Richard on September 27, 2008

I tried to watch the first McCain-Obama debate. I really did. I gritted my teeth and hung in there right up until moderator Jim Lehrer asked them both how the financial crisis and bailout would affect "how you rule the country."

I screamed "The President doesn't rule the country, Jim!" and ran from the room.

UPDATE: You want more? Substantive analysis and insight mixed with adult beverages? Well, go read Stephen Green's drunkblogging. Here's the money quote:

McCain is no debater. He wouldn’t last a second during Question Hour in the British Parliament. And yet Obama is coming off in third place in a two-man session.

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2 Responses to “Can’t… watch… debate”

  1. bluelyon said

    I’ve got it on TiVo, but haven’t gotten the stomach to watch it yet. I found you via the Rep Hastings comment. Looks like you and I highlighted the same section of the article.

  2. rgcombs said

    Cool! That was a great point you made about African American hunters. Thanks for stopping by!

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