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Posts Tagged ‘mccain’

Romney was looking better, briefly

Posted by Richard on January 4, 2012

When Rick Santorum surged into a virtual tie with Mitt Romney in Iowa, I actually started to warm up to Romney. I’d certainly prefer him to Santorum, a rabid social conservative who makes Michele Bachmann look like a libertarian.

But then John McCain endorsed Romney. I heard Rush Limbaugh say on his show today that if he were running for the Republican nomination, the last thing he’d want is McCain’s endorsement. I’m with him on that.

Ah, well, I’m still a registered Libertarian, not about to change, and thus just observing these bumbling Republicans from the sidelines. But I sure hope they get their act together and choose someone who can oust Obama, someone who knows how to defeat a failed socialist president.

So how do you defeat a Democrat who’s moved the country sharply to the left, greatly grown the government, wrecked the economy, and then blamed the resulting mess on the American people? There’s a blueprint, a proven successful strategy. And it doesn’t involve moving to the center or worrying about whether you’ll drive away the moderates and independents. It’s the Reagan campaign in 1980. Morning in America, dude.

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Giving thanks for John McCain

Posted by Richard on October 8, 2010

In a deliciously well-written piece (you should read it just to enjoy the alliteration and word-play), Gregg Opelka argued that Republicans should be ever so grateful that John McCain was their nominee in 2008. Why?

Because McCain did the one thing that none of those other men would have dared to do. And in so doing he unwittingly introduced kryptonite into the presence of Barack “Superman” Obama. In 2010 political lingo, kryptonite is spelled in the form of ten other letters: Sarah Palin. When McCain astonished with his choice of Palin as vice-presidential running mate, a chain of events unfolded that created the arch-nemesis of Barack Obama, the one force that would torment the would-be Social Justice-draped crusader more than Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh combined could ever do.

Make no mistake, DC comics readers: Sarah Palin is the agent of paralysis that is now crippling Democrats in the 2010 midterms. “Ah, but the Democrats brought it on themselves,” you cry in rebuttal. “They passed Obamacare and the stimulus bill and cap-and-trade and Cash for Clunkers, all bills that the American people overwhelmingly disapprove of. That’s what’s behind the imminent Republican rout.”

A valid point, granted. But even in the face of the their Saharan thirst to rebuff the will of the center-right American people, Democrats could have averted catastrophe, and Superman could have escaped the mid-term elections with bruised, but intact, majorities in both House and Senate-had it not been for that pernicious half-baked Alaskan. (Gee, Superman, it sucks to have a nemesis, doesn’t it?)

“But Palin isn’t even running,” you astutely ratiocinate. To which I humbly reply, “Nonsense.”

Liberal media punditry was positively Nureyevian in its grand jeté to denigrate Palin when she announced in July of 2009 she was abandoning her Alaskan gubernatorial post. “Quitter. Coward. Lightweight,” it intoned. The tasty chum chucked from the Palin prow did not go undevoured by the circling liberal media sharks, who fed for weeks on what they thought was the last of Sarah.

But as admirers of Conan Doyle’s Dr. Moriarty know, a worthy adversary has two invaluable qualities, patience and perseverance. It hardly seems a coincidence that there is a city in Alaska called Perseverance.

“The tasty chum chucked from the Palin prow” — marvelous writing! And it gets even better. Read the whole thing.

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Arizona Tea Party chooses none of the above

Posted by Richard on March 3, 2010

The four largest Tea Party organizations in Arizona agreed not to endorse a candidate in the Republican Senate primary, which pits incumbent Sen. John McCain against challengers J.D. Hayworth and Jim Deakin. Their reasons speak well of the Tea Party movement and put the lie to the “astroturf” nonsense (emphasis added):

“The Tea Party is a non-partisan, grassroots movement that stands for limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility. Both McCain and Hayworth’s records during their many years in Washington leave much to be desired on these issues,” said Robert Mayer, co-founder of the Tucson Tea Party. “It is their job to hold themselves up to these values and fight for our votes.”

Other tea party organizers across the state agreed that the local organizations should not endorse so early if at all.

“It is not appropriate to make an endorsement in this race at the drop of a hat, as some other groups are doing,” said Kelly Townsend, organizer of the Greater Phoenix Tea Party. “The movement must stand for ideas, and do everything possible to provide information to people so that they can make the best personal decisions.”

“We stand for principles and ideas, not for politicians or parties,” said Patrick Beck, organizer of the Mohave County Tea Party. “Our mission is to promote constitutional government and fiscal responsibility, and to inform people so that they can make their own decisions.”

McCain is anything but a champion of limited government and individual liberty. Although Hayworth, a former congressman, is described as “more conservative” than McCain, he’s not more pro-liberty. His primary focus has always been the authoritarian social-conservatism issues and a hard-core anti-immigrant agenda. I don’t know anything about Deakin, and no one seems terribly interested in or concerned with him, so I assume he’s not really a factor.

The Arizona Tea Party people seem to be principled, consistent advocates of liberty, and I think they’ve done the right thing by declaring essentially that “none of the above represent our values.” My hat’s off to them.


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McCain campaign info sold at bargain price

Posted by Richard on December 14, 2008

The McCain campaign sold off campaign equipment the other day in Washington, including laptop computers and Blackberry phones. Local Fox affiliate reporters scooped up some of the Blackberry PDAs for the bargain price of $20 each and discovered that they came with free bonuses:

Personal information for a former Virginia Governor is one of more than 300 'contacts' listed inside a second Blackberry phone purchased by FOX 5 during a fire sale at the McCain-Palin headquarters this week.

FOX 5 Investigative Reporter Tisha Thompson broke the story late Thursday night, just hours after she purchased a $20 Blackberry from the campaign.

That Blackberry contained hundreds of emails giving an insider's view of the “Citizens for McCain” organization. 

FOX 5 has bought a second phone from the McCain campaign which contains even more information: photos from the Republican Convention, a personal calendar for campaign events leading up to the campaign, and more than 260 'contacts' full of personal emails, phone numbers and addresses for McCain supporters.

Pretty funny. No word on what was on the laptops. But don't worry, Republicans. I'm sure the main thing to be learned from the McCain campaign's inside info is how not to run for president.

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Don’t be an Eeyore

Posted by Richard on November 1, 2008

HillBuzz has some sage advice for Republicans: Don't fall for the three head games the media and the Obama campaign are playing. And don't be an Eeyore:

The same pattern that unfolded during our primaries is happening again, because the media has just one tattered old used playbook (written by David Axelrod, of course), and they have not deviated from it yet. What the media and Obama campaign did, in concert, to Hillary Clinton before every major primary is what they are doing to McCain/Palin now.  Here are the top three media/Obama head tricks to watch out for in the last days before the election.

If you, collectively, can keep Republicans and other McCain voters from falling for these, we believe there’s nothing Obama can do to win this election. The ONLY way McCain loses is if you Eeyores allow the media to keep you from the polls.

Read the whole thing

I was pleased to see that something I'd been thinking regarding one of those head games occurred to them, too. Head game #3 is "Repeated insistance that blacks and young people will decide this election, and they are all going to vote in record numbers for Obama." The unintended consequence of this game that occurred to both of us (great minds think alike) is that: 

the Obamedia’s constant drumbeat that Obama’s so far ahead will, ironically, keep a lot of these people from actually voting — since they think he will win in a landslide without them, and one vote doesn’t matter. “Oh, we meant to vote, but we got, like, busy. And stuff.”

According to a news report I heard last night, in the early voting, young people have (yet again) not turned out in the large numbers predicted by the pundits. So the outcome of this election may depend on this: Will the media trumpeting of an inevitable Obama victory keep more McCain supporters away from the long lines on election day or more Obama supporters?

HillBuzz summed up: 

It’s all a head game, a fake out. All of this talk about Obama being ahead is just garbage the Obamedia shovels to make you give up and sit home so Obama can win. That’s what breeds Eeyores. And Eeyores giving up and staying home is why Hillary Clinton won Indiana by only 1% when she should have won it by 9%. It really is as simple as that.

So, heads up out there — if you can get Rush to talk about this stuff on air, it would do Republicans a world of good. Make as many people see the media for what they are — a paid extension of the Obama campaign — as humanly possible, keep your heads up, and let’s put another crack in the glass ceiling by making Sarah Palin the nation’s first female Vice President, while putting a good and decent man we trust behind the Resolute Desk where all of us Democrats know he’ll work effectively with Senator Clinton and other Democrats to fix our economy, create good jobs, and make America energy independent for good.

If we work hard, we will win.

Check out other recent posts at HillBuzz — they've been blogging up a storm. For instance, they say "Pennsylvania’s Democrats voting for McCain will decide this election," and think this flyer being widely distributed in Pennsylvania is significant. And there's this update — the Obama campaign has been charging the press thousands of dollars for backstage access (isn't it interesting that none of the national news organizations shaken down like this thought it was worth reporting). Now they're holding an illegal lottery offering a chance at similar access to contributors!

I've been so impressed by the work being done by HillBuzz that I donated $100. You can donate, too, right on the home page.

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Another MSM attack on Palin

Posted by Richard on October 31, 2008

Last night, ABC's Nightline featured another attempt to smear Gov. Sarah Palin. But I think they made a strategic mistake. They interspersed their reports of purported anonymous McCain campaign insiders purportedly criticizing Palin for going "off the reservation" in recent appearances with actual footage of Palin speaking at those appearances.

I thought she was great in those clips and cheered what she said. I suspect I'm not the only one who had that reaction.

If the McCain-Palin campaign emerges victorious (which the less-rigged polls suggest is a real possibility), I think much of the credit belongs to Sarah Palin.

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Steal a sign, get a pizza

Posted by Richard on October 22, 2008

Some lefty restaurateur in Michigan is rewarding anti-McCain hooliganism:

Break the law, get a pepperoni and cheese

Bring in a McCain/Palin sign and Salvatore’s Pizzeria, in Warren, Michigan will exchange it for a free pizza.

It seems owner, Diana Franzoni, is miffed that the McCain campaign pulled its resources out of Michigan. She is quoted as saying, “Health care is killing us. McCain gave up on Michigan, so you should give up on him.”

FOX 2’s Brad Edwards explains how that offer may have prompted some hungry bargain hunters to break the law. He reports that Franzoni estimates that since she put the bounty on the signs, she is receiving about 30 pilfered signs a day for at least the last couple of weeks, which equals 100‘s of filched signs — and pizzas.

What's next — key a McCain car, get a calzone?

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Our Country Deserves Better bus tour

Posted by Richard on October 19, 2008

Our Country Deserves Better is conducting a cross-country bus tour, and tonight they stopped in Denver. I attended the rally. The audience was small — about 40 or so — but enthusiastic. I'm not surprised by the small turnout. For me, it was an easy light rail trip and a 1½ block walk. But if I were a suburban Denverite asked to drive there in my Lexus, I think I'd pass.

The location was Lincoln Park at 1144 Osage Street. That's the park and community recreation center just across the street from Denver's largest public housing project. There's a sign there announcing that the Denver Housing Authority is rehabilitating it. I'm guessing that, after years of government efforts to "disperse" public housing "clients," the ones remaining in these rabbit warrens are those deemed least likely to be successfully integrated into other communities.

So how did this rally end up there? I suspect that someone from the organization's headquarters (in California, I think) called the appropriate office in Denver government for a permit (Parks and Recreation Dept., maybe?). They explained that they wanted a permit for a "Stop Obama" rally, and the Denver bureaucrat handling the call said, "I've got just the place for you." I bet they had quite a laugh in that office afterward.

Given the location and its demographics, it was ironic that the only minority at the rally was tour member Lloyd Marcus. He was great. He's a damn fine singer and a pretty decent songwriter. And he's the president of the NAACPC — the National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color. He performed some fine songs, including his Palin version of Sarah Smile (YouTube version below).

The moment that touched me was when Lloyd Marcus said, with his eyes glistening, "Don't let them tell you if you vote against Obama you're a racist!" 

Choked me up. I shook his hand and thanked him for his courage. And then I donated the two twenties in my wallet to the cause. Best wishes to you, Lloyd Marcus!


UPDATE: I have a few pix on my camera, but (as usual) still haven't downloaded them. Never mind, there's a great photo essay (along with text) of the Pueblo, CO, event here.

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McCain, the master comedian

Posted by Richard on October 16, 2008

I don't care what your politics are or what you think of John McCain — you've got to watch this. At tonight's Al Smith Dinner in New York, McCain delivered one of the funniest stand-up comedy routines I've seen in years.

McCain's delivery and timing are simply terrific. I laughed my ass off. Barack laughed his ass off. Heck, even Hillary laughed her ass off.

He scored some great points in the process, too. And his serious comments about Obama (starting about 2:00 into the second part) were classy as friggin' hell — it choked me up.

And then, after that, his closing was hilarious! That may be funniest introduction of a speaker I've ever heard. Watch the whole thing. It's well worth your time.

First part (7:00):

Second part (6:19):

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Can’t… watch… debate

Posted by Richard on September 27, 2008

I tried to watch the first McCain-Obama debate. I really did. I gritted my teeth and hung in there right up until moderator Jim Lehrer asked them both how the financial crisis and bailout would affect "how you rule the country."

I screamed "The President doesn't rule the country, Jim!" and ran from the room.

UPDATE: You want more? Substantive analysis and insight mixed with adult beverages? Well, go read Stephen Green's drunkblogging. Here's the money quote:

McCain is no debater. He wouldn’t last a second during Question Hour in the British Parliament. And yet Obama is coming off in third place in a two-man session.

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A striking contrast

Posted by Richard on September 25, 2008

Regardless of the merits or demerits of a massive financial system bailout (and I'm inclined to agree with Don Luskin), I'm struck by the stark contrast between Sens. McCain and Obama today on this issue.

McCain said that the administration plan did not have broad support and would not pass, and that it was imperative to develop a consensus solution this week. So McCain: 

  • Will suspend campaigning and return to Washington.
  • Wants to meet with Bush, Obama, and Congressional leaders until they hammer out a bipartisan plan.
  • Called for a delay of Friday's debate if agreement hasn't been reached by then.
  • Demonstrated his seriousness by pulling all his campaign ads, suspending all fundraising activities, and canceling appearances on the Letterman show and Fox News.

McCain's statement (as I heard it on the radio) struck me as overstating the danger, but was utterly non-partisan with not even a hint of finger-pointing or point-scoring.

Obama's response (also heard on the radio)? Finger-pointing. Point scoring. Credit grabbing. And this revealing response to a question about whether he'd join McCain in Washington (emphasis in his voice): "What I've told the leadership in Congress is if I can be helpful I'm prepared to be anywhere at any time." And then this: "It may be necessary for both of us to be present to send a strong message."

McCain wants to sit down, negotiate a solution, and craft legislation. Obama is willing to help if someone calls on him, and he thinks the most likely way to help is not to actually work on a solution, but to pose in front of cameras and send a message

It sounds to me like Obama wants to vote "Present."

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Unbelievably whacko Whoopie

Posted by Richard on September 15, 2008

On Friday, I linked to a post by The Anchoress and alluded to some "unbelievably whacko stuff from The View." The most whacko thing to appear on that reliably whacko show was Whoopie Goldberg asking Sen. John McCain, "Do I have to be worried about becoming a slave again?"

Plenty of people have savaged Goldberg for that remark (here's a good one). But most have focused on its outrageous misrepresentation of McCain, the Republican Party, America, and … well … reality.

But what struck me was that little word "again." I have a simple question, Ms. millionaire Hollywood celebrity with a mansion, a private jet, an Oscar, several Emmies, numerous other awards, and millions of fans — when exactly were you a slave before? When you were young, was it hard picking cotton on the plantation in Manhattan?

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Apology in order

Posted by Richard on September 13, 2008

Apparently, the Obama campaign has a new ad (I haven't seen it) mocking McCain because he doesn't use a computer and "can't send an email." Well, according to The Corner (quoting a Boston Globe story from 2000), McCain doesn't use a computer and can't send an email because of crippling injuries from the severe beatings he received while a POW.

He can't use a keyboard. Or comb his hair. Or tie his shoes.

I didn't know that.

If Obama has a shred of decency, he'll say, "I didn't know that. I'm sorry. The ad will not be aired again." 

HT: Instapundit, who has much more. Including this:

And this comment has got to hurt: "I think they spent months trying to figure out how they can position Obama as better qualified than McCain, and basically came up with the fact that Obama can type."

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McCain “workmanlike”

Posted by Richard on September 4, 2008

Last night, Sarah Palin brought me to my feet. Tonight, I stayed planted in my comfy chair. I've heard McCain's speech described as "workmanlike" several times already, and I suspect that will be the consensus assessment. It emphasizes that McCain has made a big mistake by agreeing to meet Obama strictly in the moderated set-piece type of debate, rather than insisting on at least some of the more free-wheeling "town hall" meetings he originally proposed (and Obama originally agreed to). McCain is much better in that forum than reading from a teleprompter.

The Palin phenomenon is still the story of this convention. By far the loudest applause during Cindy McCain's speech and just about the loudest in John McCain's were for their remarks about Sarah Palin.

Content-wise, I heard a few things I liked — some good, solid free-market, free-trade. low-tax rhetoric, the candid talk about Republicans having abandoned their principles and lost their way, and that terrific bit about education being the civil rights battle of this century.

But there was plenty that left me cold. I was reminded, as I listened to him, of something Bob Bidinotto wrote yesterday (emphasis added): 

My enthusiasm for Palin is that she arguably moves McCain to the right on economics and limited government, which is something that desperately needs to happen to his campaign and — if he wins — to his governing agenda. The convention's banner slogans of "Service" and "Country First" are the GOP's way of creating a comfort zone for McCain's morality of altruism and self-sacrificial duty. At Reason Online, Matt Welch reminds us in an outstanding column that in McCain, we aren't getting a champion of individualism, but an adversary: a champion of "national greatness" progressivism. Self-sacrifice to the nation is at the heart of such a political outlook.

I therefore need to reiterate emphatically that my only reason for supporting the McCain ticket — especially now that Palin is aboard — is that national-greatness progressivism represents a far-less-damaging and more mixed alternative to the utterly destructive, anti-American, left-Wilsonian "progressivism" of Obama. This is especially the case on the paramount issues of national security and energy production. Sadly, in this political environment, stopping Obama requires us to sign on to a philosophically chaotic and often damaging Republican candidate. The Palin pick indicates that free-market, limited-government influences at least will have a seat at the table in a McCain administration, tending to blunt his worst inclinations

By the way, Bidinotto has posted a ton of outstanding stuff this week, mostly about Palin. Just go to his main page and start reading. Be sure to follow his link to David Harsanyi's The Libertarian Case for Palin.

UPDATE: I thought Cindy McCain's speech was rather pedestrian, and I was in and out of the room during it. But I just heard something from a talking head that puts her speech into perspective: she's never done this before!

Apparently, her speech writer wanted to see some other speeches she's given in order to get a sense of what would be appropriate for her. There aren't any. This was her debut. In front of thousands in the hall and millions on TV, she was doing this for the first time! That it was merely pedestrian and not embarrassing is something of a triumph.

I also just saw a clip of Scott Palin speaking. I'm not sure, but I think they said he was introducing Cindy McCain. Anyway, he was great — down to earth, relaxed, and funny. Like his wife, he seemed so damned genuine. The kind of guy you'd like to go drinking with and listen to his stories about fishing.

I've looked for the text or a video, but no luck. If someone knows where to find it, please post a link.

One bit that struck me (paraphrased and not all that exact) went something like this: "When Sarah talks about making a difference and cleaning up corruption and changing things …<pause for effect>… it's best to just get out of the way."

UPDATE2: You know, "I'd rather lose an election than see my country lose a war" is still one of the great statements of all time. And it's even better when you're subsequently proven right.

UPDATE3: I liked this a lot: "I know how to work with leaders who share our dreams of a safer, freer, and more prosperous world … and how to stand up to those who don't." 

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Palin sounds like a great pick

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2008

McCain isn't called a maverick for nothing, and he's not averse to taking chances. Gov. Sarah Palin is a daring, but risky choice. Her name recognition must be in the single digits, and an Alaska politician doesn't bring a lot of electoral votes to the table.

But everything I've read suggests Palin is bright, articulate, hard as nails — and a genuine fiscal conservative who's done a lot to clean up Alaska's politics. Since she became governor in 2006, her approval ratings have been mostly in the 90s and have never dropped below 80% — astonishing numbers. That means most of the people who voted against her think she's doing a great job.

The Club for Growth PAC really likes her:

“At a time when many Republicans are still clinging to pork-barrel politics, Governor Palin has quickly become a leader on this issue,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. “She is a principled reformer who understands how badly wasteful spending has marred the Republican brand.”

Governor Palin has proven herself to be a reformer unafraid to take on the establishment, which she did early on when she took on the incumbent Republican governor of Alaska in 2006. Only nine months in office, Governor Palin instructed the state to abandon the notorious pork project secured by Alaska’s politicians, the $223 million “Bridge to Nowhere.” While many Republicans in Congress are afraid to antagonize Washington’s biggest porkers, Sarah Palin stood strong for fiscal responsibility. Palin is also a persistent advocate of drilling in ANWR and expanding America’s domestic oil supply in general.

Sounds like a fine choice for veep. I'm with Zombyboy, who said "it’s a choice that I like almost regardless of outcome." Me too. If Obama wins and replicates the disastrous Carter presidency, I can see the Palin 2012 stickers already.

UPDATE: For that matter, given McCain's age, Palin 2012 is a strong possibility regardless of what happens this November. 

(Oh, yeah — don't miss the picture at Babalu Blog that Zombyboy linked to!) 

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