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Carnival of Cordite #68

Posted by Richard on August 7, 2006

I almost forgot — go check out Carnival of Cordite #68 at Resistance Is Futile! Lots of pictures this time. Some of them are of (ahem) women who are easy on the eyes holding guns. If you’re of the male persuasion, you might find them interesting. 🙂

If you’re of the female persuasion, you might be interested in Gullyborg’s exclusive news about a soon-to-be-announced .50 BMG class for women only. There will be a contest in which you can win a spot in the class, plus a Barrett .50 BMG rifle of your very own. Ladies, go for it — believe me, shooting a .50 BMG is huge fun!

Sorry, gentlemen, no contest for you — but did I mention there are chicks with guns?

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