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Sunday’s rally for Israel

Posted by Richard on August 7, 2006

As I’d promised, I attended the rally Sunday evening in support of Israel and America’s war on terror, and I’m glad I went. It was long (too many predictable and repetitive politician’s statements!) and tiring, but inspiring and in most ways successful. 850KOA’s "Gunny Bob" Newman did a good job as MC. He estimated the crowd at 2000, and I think that’s a bit generous, but not by much — I’d guess it was about 1500.

The speaking highlights were Israeli Consul General Ehud Danoch, Cheryl Morrison of Faith Bible Chapel, and Arabs for Israel founder Nonie Darwish. I’ve heard Morrison do a much better job, but even a so-so Morrison was an inspiring and energizing speaker who revved up the crowd. I’m sure that Darwish, too, has sounded better — her voice was hoarse and raspy, as if she’d been speaking at way too many rallies lately. But her message was also inspirational. It needs to be heard — and heeded — by all those people who say that they’re moderate Muslims.

On the negative side: None of Denver’s three main news channels (the NBC, ABC, and CBS affiliates) covered the event.

On the positive side: The Rocky Mountain News story quoted my t-shirt:

Supporter Mike Higgs wore a leather motorcycle vest and a blue ribbon pinned to his shirt.

"I think they (Israel) have the right to do what they need to do to protect their country, just the same as we do," said Higgs, a Vietnam veteran from Thornton. "If we were under attack, getting bombed day after day, wouldn’t we want to stop it?"

Higgs motioned to the phrase on a man’s white T-shirt: "Except for ending slavery, fascism, Nazism and communism, war has never solved anything."

"That," Higgs said, "basically sums it up."

That’s this ProtestWarrior shirt — one of their first and still one of the best. And, by golly, reporter Bianca Pietro actually quoted it accurately. Thanks, Bianca! And thanks, Mike, for noticing the shirt and pointing it out!

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