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Carnival of Liberty #2

Posted by Richard on July 11, 2005

Check out the great posts in the second Carnival of Liberty (here or here).  A couple that I really liked:

  • TriggerFinger’s Incumbent Protection Act post. I meant to blog about this and never did. Do you do political commentary on a blog or talk radio? If you’re in the state of Washington, you may have to register as a lobbyist and declare the value of your commentary as political contributions. When the market value of your comments reaches the applicable state campaign finance limit, then you have to shut up. Simply unbelievable.
  • An Open Letter to President Bush at News, the Universe and Everything. Quincy makes a great suggestion:

In a time when Justices like John Paul Stevens think they can change the meaning of the Constitution with the writ of the court, abortion must be seen as a side issue. I urge you to rebuke those on both sides who attempt to make this about abortion. This debate should be about finding a justice who will defend the fundamental rights enumerated in the Constitution, such as the freedoms of speech, religion, and the press and the right to own property securely.

Of course, I haven’t had time to read them all. See if you can find some others that you really like.

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