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Carnival of Liberty #36

Posted by Richard on March 15, 2006

This week’s Carnival of Liberty is at The Unrepentant Individual. Brad Warbiany has done a terrific job introducing this week’s entries, and there are quite a few interesting ones. Eminent domain and property rights are still popular subjects. Would you believe a local government seizing a private golf course in order to create a public golf course? According to Doug at Below the Beltway, they’re thinking about it at the People’s Republic of Long Island.

The carnival also features posts on property rights and sovereignty in space, efforts to curb eminent domain abuse, Tom Monaghan’s right to put his property to "Catholic-friendly" uses, and several posts about the government of Israel’s ongoing process of "Disengagement," which means evicting some people from their land for being Jewish.

One of those facing eviction is frequent Carnival of Liberty contributor Batya of Shilo Musings, and Different River summed up her situation this way:

No, of course she’s not a Palestinian terrorist – if she were, to evict her would be a human rights violation. It’s nothing personal, and it’s nothing she did – she is being evicted for being a Jew living in Shiloh, the pre-Davidic capital of ancient Israel – where Jews “aren’t supposed” to live anymore.

Batya herself rejected the notion that the "Disengagement" evictions are appropriate uses of eminent domain:

The principle of Eminent domain does not cover giving land won in a defensive war to terrorists whose aim is the destruction of the “giving” country.

As Glenn might say, "Indeed."

Other topics covered include abortion, equality, the Patriot Act, platelet donations, ports, the VA, and the spread of democracy. It’s a great carnival — check it out.

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