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Carnival of Liberty #44

Posted by Richard on May 10, 2006

Woops, I almost forgot! Carnival of Liberty #44 is being hosted by Ed Minchau at Robot Guy (where you’ll also find an amazing video of a guy singing Stairway to Heaven backwards — now, that’s entertainment!). Interesting posts organized into the categories of Life, Liberty, and Property — go check ’em out.

Also, Carnival of Cordite #58 is back at its usual home, Resistance is futile!, and Gullyborg has lots of pictures to make it fun (unless you’re on dialup). So drop by and take a look. Doesn’t that .357 derringer look like a bear to shoot?

[Really, I’m not kidding about the amazing Stairway to Heaven video. When you first start listening, you’ll think it’s being faked. But at the end, he  takes out a cigarette, lights it, and smokes it. And then, when you play the thing backwards … simply amazing!]

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