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Posts Tagged ‘life liberty property’

Best of Cordite, and Liberty from China

Posted by Richard on September 27, 2006

I’ve been negligent in not dropping by Spank That Donkey to check out Carnival of Cordite #73. It’s a "Best of COC" — in honor of founder Gullyborg, Chris put out the call for past participants to submit their best previous carnival entries, and he got a bunch of great ones! He’s also got bonus audio clips from "Blazing Saddles" and Ronaldus Magnus (sorry, IE users only). Drop on by, and be prepared to spend some time.

Carnival of Liberty #54 is a special event of sorts, too. It comes to us from China, courtesy of host OneManBandwidth. Imagine that — a celebration of liberty from China! OMB is pretty fearless about it, even linking to a chilling story about Chinese organ harvesting. Drop by and show your support.

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Cordite and cranky libertarians

Posted by Richard on September 20, 2006

For some great gun rights and self-defense reading, along with the usual unusual weaponry stuff, range reports, etc., check out Carnival of Cordite #72 at Spank That Donkey. It’s got titles like "Bad, Bad Assault Thingy," "Guns and Democrats," and "Commie Junk My A$$!" that are bound to suck you in.

Meanwhile, over at the Unrepentant Individual, Brad Warbiany wants you to "see the world through a bunch of cranky libertarians’ eyes" in Carnival of Liberty #53. It’s chock full of submissions, and they’re presented with meaty excerpts so you can get a good sense of them. Go read — you know you want to!

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Posted by Richard on September 12, 2006

Rick Sincere is hosting Carnival of Liberty #62 this week, and as you might guess, there are some 9/11-related entries. Lots of other topics, too — check it out.

Also, check out Carnival of Cordite #71 at Spank That Donkey. If you use IE to visit, you can listen to a delightful little sermon. But with any browser, you’ll find a wealth of great links and pictures. Including the link to buy some of these fine bumperstickers:

Give Peace a Chance - Kill Terrorists

Meanwhile, Joshua Sharf promised to have the special 9/11 edition of Carnival of the Capitalists ready any time now, so just check the main page of View From a Height.

UPDATE: It’s up, so here’s the direct link to the Carnival of the Capitalists. Wow, it’s huge! From 9/11 to personal finance, there’s bound to be something to pique your interest.

UPDATE 2: Another huge collection of links, well-presented: the Carnival of Homeschooling at Principled Discovery. Check it out.

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Carnival time

Posted by Richard on September 5, 2006

Nick at Quotulatiousness (did I spell that right? did he?) is hosting Carnival of Liberty #61, and he did a fine job of organizing and presenting the posts. They’re grouped into "departments" such as economics, political science, and law. He even provided "table of contents" links so you can jump right to the econ stuff without having to scroll past all those icky philosophy posts. Check it out.

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Carnival time

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2006

Matt Barr at Socratic Rhythm Method came up with a really clever presentation for the entries in Carnival of Liberty #60 — it’s a Jeopardy game! "I’ll take Liberty Locales for $300, Alex." Pretty slick job (there’s a "no frames" alternative link if your browser messes up the "game board" display). And it’s not just sizzle — there’s plenty of meat in those entries.

Meanwhile, Stan White at Free Constitution put together the 4th edition of the Second Amendment Carnival. It’s a more traditional carnival, and a young one at that, but if you’re interested in gun rights and related matters, it’s definitely worth a look. Although I miss the "gun pr0n" that’s usually a highlight of the Carnival of Cordite. Speaking of the latter, I almost spaced it out — unfortunately, due to time constraints, C of C #70 is what Gully calls a "classic link-fest" with no pictures. Oh, well — some good entries. And I’ll bet #71 will have lots of cool pictures. πŸ™‚

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Carnival of Liberty #59

Posted by Richard on August 23, 2006

Peter Porcupine quietly posted the latest Carnival of Liberty yesterday — no announcement to the LLP community as far as I can tell, so I guess he doesn’t want to attract too much attention. πŸ™‚ It’s worth checking out — modest in size, but with some interesting entries.

Umm, Peter, there’s one little nit I just have to pick  — 59 should be LIX in Roman numerals. You never use IIII4 is IV ("one from five") and 9 is IX ("one from ten"). Or you can do as I do and just use these new-fangled Arabic numbers — I believe they’re the Arab world’s most recent significant intellectual achievement.

As for me, I promise to return to posting soon, as things are slowly getting back to normal.

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Carnival of Liberty #57

Posted by Richard on August 10, 2006

Check out Carnival of Liberty #57 at Matt Barr’s new blog, Socratic Rhythm Method. Matt billed it as "the blogosphere’s first-ever Fiona Apple-themed carnival." The entries are grouped under thematically appropriate Fiona Apple songs, which you can listen to as you read by clicking their titles. Nicely done.

There are lots of entries in this week’s carnival, so you’re bound to find something that piques your interest. I, unfortunately, have only had time to check out a couple of posts, and one of them — well, let’s just say I have a rather low opinion in general of people who assume moral equivalence between genocidal 7th-century barbarians and a democratic Western government.

There are entirely too many libertarians who can’t or won’t distinguish between Genghis Khan and a shoplifter because both violate your property rights. When such a person snottily declares that "war is the health of the Israeli state" — does he think that the leadership of Israel is chortling over the rockets raining down on it and the talk of killing six million Jews because it gives them an excuse to grow Leviathan?? — well, I’m done with that site. Asshat.

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Carnival of Liberty #56

Posted by Richard on August 2, 2006

Michael Hampton is hosting the 56th Carnival of Liberty over at Homeland Stupidity, and he’s got quite a collection of contributions. From coerced chemotherapy to Kelo crushing, from gas prices to electric cars, from building another bridge to nowhere to closing the border for classical liberal reasons, there’s a veritable treasure of tempting topics. Go check it out.

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Carnival of Liberty #55

Posted by Richard on July 25, 2006

The latest Carnival of Liberty is up at OK So I’m Not Really A Cowboy. As host Nikhil Rao said, it’s a bit light in content, but that just means you can click each and every link, right? (I’m one of those who once again didn’t submit anything. I’ve written mostly about the war and foreign matters lately, and just didn’t see anything that seemed appropriate for the CoL.)

And speaking of carnivals, I completely spaced out the Carnival of Cordite over at Mr. Completely. It’s not too late to go by there and check out the lovely pictures and intriguing links.

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Carnival of Liberty #54

Posted by Richard on July 19, 2006

Check out the latest Carnival of Liberty at Ogre’s Politics & Views. Apparently, Ogre hurriedly finished putting it together in the face of a gas leak emergency, and that was followed by some extended downtime at the domain. But Ogre’s site and the carnival are available now, and it looks like there are lots of interesting posts. Go read!

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Carnival of Liberty #53

Posted by Richard on July 11, 2006

This week’s Carnival of Liberty, the weekly linkfest of the Life, Liberty, Property community,  is up at Homeland Stupidity, and it’s just chock full of choice content. Michael Hampton did a nice job introducing the posts and tying them together. He even provided a podcast of a Cato book forum for your listening pleasure.

Podcast — that’s what us old fogeys used to call a "spoken-word recording," right?

So, anyway, head on over to the Carnival and start clicking!

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Happy birthday, Carnival of Liberty!

Posted by Richard on July 4, 2006

Today isn’t just America’s Independence Day — it’s also the birthday of the Carnival of Liberty. Yes, the little rascal appeared on the scene last Independence Day, born at Brad Warbiany’s The Unrepentant Individual. And, by golly, that’s where the birthday party is. Head on over and see how big the rascal’s gotten!

What a plethora of posts! And unlike yours truly, who was busy thinking about this trip and other matters, many of the LLP members actually had the foresight to anticipate Independence Day and write something appropriate for the occasion. [Sigh. I’m sure I’ll do better next year. It’s so unlike me to be busy and distracted. πŸ˜‰ ] 

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Carnival of Liberty #51

Posted by Richard on June 27, 2006

The 51st edition of the Carnival of Liberty is up at Below the Beltway. From a lifeboat somewhere in the soggy D.C. suburbs, Doug Mataconis assembled about a dozen provocative postings on topics related to individual liberty — such as real estate, terrorism, net neutrality, the drug war, and marshmallow control. Check it out.

Next week’s Independence Day edition will mark the first anniversary of Carnival of Liberty (yeah, we skipped a week along the way). Like the inaugural edition, it’ll be hosted by Brad Warbiany at The Unrepentant Individual. I’m sure Brad’s planning a big anniversary celebration, and he’d love to include your liberty-related blog post — use Conservative Cat’s Carnival Submission Form to send him the info.

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Carnival time!

Posted by Richard on June 20, 2006

Wow, there sure are a ton of interesting-sounding posts in Carnival of Liberty #50! And Dave at TuCents did a great job of organizing and presenting them, too.

You say you want more? You want gun stuff? Well, head on over to Carnival of Cordite #62, hosted by Spank That Donkey this week. If you browse over there using Internet Explorer, you can take part in a "name the songs" contest and maybe win a T-shirt. Whatever browser you use, you’ll find some great reading.

I just wish I had the afternoon free! πŸ™‚

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Carnival of Liberty #49

Posted by Richard on June 13, 2006

Liberty Corner is hosting the 49th Carnival of Liberty, and it’s huge — nearly 3 dozen entries. Tom did a superb job of organizing and presenting them, with good descriptions and well-selected quotes that are bound to tempt you into clicking. Go check it out — but be sure you have some time free!

No, I don’t know anything about Carnival of Cordite. Gully seems to be on hiatus, although I don’t think it’s because he’s despondent over al-Zarqawi’s demise.

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