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Carnival of Liberty #46

Posted by Richard on May 24, 2006

Drop by Left Brain Female and check out all the fine posts that Kay’s gathered together in Carnival of Liberty #46. Good job. I even forgive her for the snide remark about those of us who prefer Arabic to Roman numerals.

I use Arabic numbers not because I’m  "roman numerically challenged" or because I want to honor the last significant intellectual achievement from that part of the world. I use Arabic numbers for the same reason that I eat Chinese and Japanese food with a fork instead of chopsticks: the "new technology" simply works better than the old, so why cling to the "traditional" tools for anything other than decorative purposes?

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2 Responses to “Carnival of Liberty #46”

  1. Anonymous said

    Hehehe! I really put that in ‘cuz I’m one of those who IS challenged, LOL. I hafta “yahoo” search every carnival to be sure I’ve got it right – so now ya know my little secret 😉

  2. Anonymous said

    Even though I learned them in 4th grade as a child in correspondence school, I’m cognitively indifferent to Roman numerals. They’re much more of an artistic designation and statement than a numerical value, but I also struggle with Arabic ones in the math department – failed pre-calculus twice at UC Santa Cruz…

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