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Carnival of Liberty #57

Posted by Richard on August 10, 2006

Check out Carnival of Liberty #57 at Matt Barr’s new blog, Socratic Rhythm Method. Matt billed it as "the blogosphere’s first-ever Fiona Apple-themed carnival." The entries are grouped under thematically appropriate Fiona Apple songs, which you can listen to as you read by clicking their titles. Nicely done.

There are lots of entries in this week’s carnival, so you’re bound to find something that piques your interest. I, unfortunately, have only had time to check out a couple of posts, and one of them — well, let’s just say I have a rather low opinion in general of people who assume moral equivalence between genocidal 7th-century barbarians and a democratic Western government.

There are entirely too many libertarians who can’t or won’t distinguish between Genghis Khan and a shoplifter because both violate your property rights. When such a person snottily declares that "war is the health of the Israeli state" — does he think that the leadership of Israel is chortling over the rockets raining down on it and the talk of killing six million Jews because it gives them an excuse to grow Leviathan?? — well, I’m done with that site. Asshat.

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