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Carnival time

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2006

Matt Barr at Socratic Rhythm Method came up with a really clever presentation for the entries in Carnival of Liberty #60 — it’s a Jeopardy game! "I’ll take Liberty Locales for $300, Alex." Pretty slick job (there’s a "no frames" alternative link if your browser messes up the "game board" display). And it’s not just sizzle — there’s plenty of meat in those entries.

Meanwhile, Stan White at Free Constitution put together the 4th edition of the Second Amendment Carnival. It’s a more traditional carnival, and a young one at that, but if you’re interested in gun rights and related matters, it’s definitely worth a look. Although I miss the "gun pr0n" that’s usually a highlight of the Carnival of Cordite. Speaking of the latter, I almost spaced it out — unfortunately, due to time constraints, C of C #70 is what Gully calls a "classic link-fest" with no pictures. Oh, well — some good entries. And I’ll bet #71 will have lots of cool pictures. 🙂

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