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CBS’ The Unit achieves greatness

Posted by Richard on May 17, 2006

The Unit is an action-oriented drama about a top secret military special operations unit. It stars Dennis Haysbert (President Palmer on 24), whom I really like. I’ve liked some episodes of the series, but others … not so much.

Tonight’s season finale, though, made me a big fan. I can’t help but love a show that portrays a Frenchman commanding U.N. troops as an arrogant, incompetent, slimy, mendacious piece of pond scum.

Here’s one of the great moments in TV history, as best as I can recall it:

Col. Leclerq: "Stand at attention in my presence, soldier!"

Bob Brown: "I’m not in your army. I’m not in your chain of command. And you’re about a half second from a poor state of health."

Col. Leclerq: "And that would be worth your career?"

Brown: "You bet your French ass."

[Cut to commercial]

Yeee-haaaw! Now, that calls for a beer!

That’s from Episode 13, "The Wall." Watch for the rerun if you missed it (I don’t know if downloads are available for The Unit; there’s no indication on the CBS website, or on this one, or this one).

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