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Celebrating Ayn Rand’s birthday

Posted by Richard on February 3, 2011

Alex Epstein:

Most of us do not take much note when February 2 passes–and if we do, it's just in reference to Groundhog Day. But February 2nd marks something much more important than a mythical, weather-forecasting rodent. It is the birthday of the late, great author and philosopher Ayn Rand, the woman who gave us "Atlas Shrugged" (1957), one of the most influential works of the 20th century.

Although "Atlas Shrugged" is a must read for everyone, it is particularly the case for anyone in the business world. If you ask any hundred successful businessmen chosen at random to name the book that has most inspired them, you will undoubtedly hear "Atlas Shrugged" repeated over and over. Why?

Because, in the form of a thrilling novel with inspiring heroes, "Atlas Shrugged" does something no other book has ever done: it presents the pursuit of profit, the essence of business, as a profoundly moral activity.

Read the whole thing.

HT: Instapundit

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