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Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

I like this greeting card message

Posted by Richard on August 23, 2017

American Greetings apparently has a new division called “Tender Thoughts.” Actually, I don’t know how new it is, since I don’t keep up with the industry. And the one I received for my recent birthday doesn’t strike me as a terribly tender thought. But I really like it:

On your birthday, may the happiness and good times flow like boxed wine into a redneck’s coffee cup.

Man, that’s just beautiful. And funny.

But let it be known that I don’t drink my boxed wine in a coffee cup. BTW, Bota Box Old Vine Zinfandel is a great wine!

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Celebrating Ayn Rand’s birthday

Posted by Richard on February 3, 2011

Alex Epstein:

Most of us do not take much note when February 2 passes–and if we do, it's just in reference to Groundhog Day. But February 2nd marks something much more important than a mythical, weather-forecasting rodent. It is the birthday of the late, great author and philosopher Ayn Rand, the woman who gave us "Atlas Shrugged" (1957), one of the most influential works of the 20th century.

Although "Atlas Shrugged" is a must read for everyone, it is particularly the case for anyone in the business world. If you ask any hundred successful businessmen chosen at random to name the book that has most inspired them, you will undoubtedly hear "Atlas Shrugged" repeated over and over. Why?

Because, in the form of a thrilling novel with inspiring heroes, "Atlas Shrugged" does something no other book has ever done: it presents the pursuit of profit, the essence of business, as a profoundly moral activity.

Read the whole thing.

HT: Instapundit

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Remembering Jefferson

Posted by Richard on April 13, 2010

Today is Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, and according to Marsha Enright and Gen LaGreca, it’s a rather sad one:

On a spring day in 1743, a towering figure in our country’s founding was born: Thomas Jefferson. His skillful hand carved much of the character of America.

Today, however, what Jefferson so painstakingly crafted lies pulverized almost to stone dust. Were he alive to celebrate his birthday this April 13, instead of sipping champagne, he might want to drown his sorrow in whiskey.

What has happened to the revolutionary ideas he penned on the parchment that is the soul of America, the Declaration of Independence? How many of today’s citizens—and elected officials—understand the stirring proclamation that every person possesses certain “unalienable rights,” among which are “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”?

Today, most Americans don’t understand their rights; the entire concept has been hopelessly muddied. Many now believe that if they want or need anything—from health care, to a “decent” salary, to help paying their mortgage—that they have a “right,” through government taxation and regulation, to compel others to provide it for them. As a result, our actual rights have been eroded at an ever-increasing pace.

So, in homage to Thomas Jefferson, and with his guidance, let’s examine some features of our real rights, to set the record straight.

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Happy 234th birthday, Army!

Posted by Richard on June 15, 2009

A belated Happy Birthday to the United States Army, the oldest of the uniformed services, which was born on June 14, 1775.

U.S. Army 234th birthday coin

As the coin indicates, the Secretary of the Army has designated 2009 as The Year of the NCO. As the son of an officer, I can attest to the fact that NCOs are what makes the Army work. I'm sure my dad would have agreed. 

The occasion merits an inspirational story about a soldier. If this one (HT: Mrs. Greyhawk) doesn't move you, you're not human: 

Even when half your skull is missing, life goes on.
For ex-soldier Erik Castillo, gravely wounded by mortar fire in Iraq in 2004, life is going better than expected.
Five years have passed since he woke up drooling and paralyzed in an Army hospital with a coconut-sized hole in his cranium — an injury from which doctors said he would never fully recover.
The road back to some sort of normalcy has been rife with pain and indignity. He's been stared at by strangers, coped with countless surgeries and infections, and battled rage, self-pity and depression.
Through it all, he kept hoping he could reach a point where life seemed worth living again.
Finally, he has.
"I'm happy with who I am now," said Castillo, 25, a 2001 graduate of Rio Rico High School who now lives in Tucson.
Today, Castillo can walk unassisted — a feat that took more than three years to achieve. He owns a house and plans to go to college next year after more surgery later this year to repair his right eye socket and realign a droopy eye.
"I'm making the best of my life," he said. "No matter what, I'm not going to sit around and complain about my suffering."
Doctors say his progress represents a triumph of determination over despair, something that isn't unusual among wounded veterans — even those as severely injured as Castillo.
Damn, we've got some amazing young people in this country. Read the whole thing

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