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Click early, click often

Posted by Richard on August 11, 2005

Chris Muir, author of the wonderful (and increasingly ubiquitous) Day by Day cartoon, needs a favor from you, on behalf of his sister who has cancer. It’s easy and it won’t cost you a thing. Just visit Day by Day and click the Clik4Cathy button. Or click this link here.

You’ll visit the website of the American Cancer Ablation Center, a small clinic that’s in a position to benefit from the positive PR of a high Yahoo rating right now. You might even find the information about thermal ablation treatments fascinating. I did.

That’s it, that’s all you have to do. They don’t want a donation; Chris says it would be counter-productive. All they want is a click.

Well, many clicks. Hit that website a bunch over the next few days. Click either this link here or the one at Day by Day. Or both. Then do it again.


UPDATE: Chris Muir has announced that the goal has been met and Operation Clik4Cathi is over — "in 2 days, not 10!" He didn’t cite a final number, but in the first day, the clinic got over a hundred thousand hits. Wow!

Hey, check out the clinic anyway if you’re a science geek or just interested in such stuff.

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