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Consistency? Yeah, right.

Posted by Richard on April 22, 2005

Pejman Yousefzadeh links to a Washington Times story about Ohio Democrat Stephanie Tubbs Jones, a member of the House ethics committee, who took a weekend trip to the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. According to her signed travel disclosure form and end-of-the-year financial disclosure forms, the trip was paid for by a lobbying firm — a violation of ethics rules. All involved are now insisting that that was a mistake, that the lobbying firm merely arranged the trip on behalf of a private Puerto Rican special interest group, Todo Puerto Rico con Vieques (TPRV).

A number of House Dems went on this trip, led by Nancy Pelosi. But the others either got their stories straight, listing TPRV as the sponsor of the trip, or, like Sheila Jackson-Lee, simply didn’t file itemized disclosure forms.

     Leon Buck, chief of staff for Mrs. Jackson-Lee, initially said he had no record of his boss going on the trip. Told about her appearance in Vieques press reports at the time, he then dismissed the story.
    "This trip is four years old," Mr. Buck said. "I’m not sure why this is even relevant."

Pejman wants the lobbyist who denied paying for the trip to testify under oath:

Well then let’s swear that man in! Because after all, this issue is all the rage, and we are supposed to investigate it beyond merely what Tom DeLay may have done, right?


Yeah, right. Don’t hold your breath.

NOTE: The Washington Times story linked above may or may not require registration. I don’t remember. You see, I’m one of those trusting — and lazy — souls who lets these corporate websites fill my computer with their cookies so that when I visit them again, they know who I am. Therefore, I may from time to time link to a site without realizing — or warning readers — that it requires registration. OK, you’ve been warned.

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